Archive for July, 2010
Friday, July 30th, 2010
I know I am getting older when I have to finally break down and get real glasses. I have been wearing cheaters from Walgreen’s for the last 6 months and I was getting headaches this past month. I went to the Optometrist and got checked out. I guess I am far sighted with an astigmatism? Whatever. I now have bi-focals. Bi-focals! WTF! Those are for old people. Mine don’t have the funky line in the middle but I am not used to the difference in the lens from top to bottom. I almost fell while walking with them. I think they are too strong. I will test them out for a week and then see but I think they misdiagnosed me. I don’t think I am as blind as they made me out to be. That damn Dr. did the eye test so fast I had anxiety from it. Everything just looks too big. I don’t even want to look down at my chest!
(Picture of me with glasses to come!) I can’t post one yet cuz I look like shit right now and I’ll have to take a picture of myself later 🙂
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Tuesday, July 27th, 2010
I got home from SF late last night and then today I had to drive to Baker which is only an hour from Las Vegas to meet my sister to get my dog Trey. I would have waited until Thursday to make the trip but Trey fell while jumping off my sister’s bed and hurt his leg and is limping badly. I got him and then drove like a bat out of hell to Yorba Linda to his vet to get him x-rayed. I dropped him off, drove back home and wrapped gifts for my Mother-in-law and changed clothes and put on make-up and did my hair and then drove back to Yorba to get Trey and then drove to Cypress for her birthday party. Fuck me. I am pooped and I am not driving any longer for at least a year. That sounds good 🙂
Ryan took the mattress off our guest bed and Trey and I are going to lay in the family room and watch TV. I think I am spending the rest of the week on the white trash bed with my hurt doggie.
Posted in Domestic Drudgery, Family & Friends, Pet Stories, Travel & Adventures | Comments Off on Oh man, just call me the dog hauler
Monday, July 26th, 2010
We landed and got on BART and checked in to our hotel and went to Teatro Zin Zanni to see a wonderful live show and eat dinner. It was quite an evening. The show was great, food was so so but the entertainment and the drinks made up for it!
The next day we walked down Fisherman’s Wharf, took a tour bus around the city, went out to see Alcatraz and then had an Italian meal in North Beach. We awoke early the next day and walked up Lombard street which was no easy feat and then got on a trolley car back down to Ghiradelli Square and had Irish coffees at Buena Vista and then got on an open air bus to take of tour of Golden Gate park and the bridge and a quick visit to Sausalito Island. We then hopped back on BART and caught a plane home. No resting on this va-ca. Shit, I have been to San Francisco dozens of times and never saw as much stuff in 2 days.
Here are a few photos, I’ve got a lot more but I am putting them up on my BTS section on kellymadison.com. I also got a quick show of the guys singing while I was purchasing my BART ticket. They were pretty good. IMG_0393 See for yourself.
OK, who had the shaky hand? Yep, that’s me. You think I suck in front of the camera, now you know how badly I suck holding the camera!
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Saturday, July 24th, 2010
Just can’t keep my hands off those 18 to 22 years olds. The girls are so much fun to play with. They aren’t that innocent, that’s for sure. They show me a trick or two. See, you can teach an old dog new tricks. Look – I just learned the command “Sit on Me!”

Thursday was crazy. I was up at 4:30 AM and drove from Vegas to home, got a spray tan and then worked from 9:00 AM until 2:00 doing office stuff and then shot a kellymadison.com scene with the hottest chick ever, Alanah Rae and boy did she taste good! We then did a pornfidelity.com scene with my husband Ryan until 11:30 PM. Now that was a long day. The day was as long as Ryan’s cock, that’s for sure!
Well, I got some sleep Thursday night and then was back to work the next day early in the morning and then shot with that cute little teen Jaelyn Fox. Sorry I don’t have any pics of Alanah in all her spectacularness. I didn’t have my new iphone set up yet. Long story short, I bought a bottle of cheap perfume and put it in my purse on Tuesday. From the store to my house, it opened up entirely, got all inside my new iphone 4 and ruined the screen! It also did some damage to my leather purse and wallet but that was repairable. The phone looked like it was permanently under water. I took it in to Apple on my way to Vegas on Wednesday and as of Thursday didn’t have a chance to set it up on itunes. Do you believe me? I have gone through so many iphones it is ridiculous. I have spent so much money on broken, lost and water damaged phones. Hey, I am the reason Apple stock is doing so well. Thank god I own some 🙂
I am blogging and then finishing my packing for San Fransisco. No rest for the weary. I am going on a family trip this weekend with my husband and believe you me, this is not the time to be going anywhere! WE ARE SWAMPED WITH WORK TO DO. And it seems as though everything around us is breaking. Nails in tires, hatches that don’t work, computers crashing, phones melting, AC was out for almost a week and now the dishwasher is on the fritz. Then again, maybe this IS the time to get away. Only problem is, you can’t run away from your problems. They will just be waiting for you when you get home. So, with that in mind, we’ve tackled what we can and sleepless and barley packed we shall leave for the airport in an hour.

Love ya and check back in on Tuesday.
Posted in Domestic Drudgery, Family & Friends, Personal Photo & Video Shoots, Pornfidelity Shoots, Travel & Adventures | Comments Off on Playing with those damn teens again!
Wednesday, July 21st, 2010

No, that isn’t the name of a cool band I saw in a seedy club or a group of guys that specialize in bukkake scenes. It’s the auto place we all know and love. I took my Escalade in today because of 2 nails in the front left tire and they fixed it for free. Free? Nobody does anything for free any more. Loved it!
Now I am packing to leave for Vegas in the morning. I am just doing an overnight romp to see the sisters and attend a mixer and drop off my dog Trey for a few days of gambling, smoking and hardcore sex with prostitutes. Nah, he’s just being watched for a few days by my sister who happens to live in Vegas. That just sounds like more fun.
I shall return early Thursday morning to prepare for a pornfidelity shoot on Thursday and then I have another shoot on Friday. This is going to be a busy weekend. I am headed for San Francisco on Saturday and will be returning on Monday. Go-go-go is what I say. If I wasn’t always going I would go insane so I’ll take what I can get 🙂
Honk if you see me on the 15 Freeway!
Posted in Family & Friends, Pet Stories, Pornfidelity Shoots, Travel & Adventures | Comments Off on Pep Boys Rock!!!
Monday, July 19th, 2010
I was getting ready in the hair and make-up room when I glanced over to teen set we have and there it was, the most disgusting floral arrangement ever! I won’t mention names but there are 2 people that should have noticed it and disposed of the nightmarish sludge.

Once that was discovered and I was ready to shoot I decided to do some Myspace style photos. Wow my eyes look dark. I look kinda mean. I guess I felt mean after finding that floral fuck 🙂
I was then honored with shooting with the simply gorgeous Jewels Jade. This was taken during the scene. She is standing in front of the window looking fantastic in silhouette.

After the scene she was off to take a shower but I couldn’t let her get away from me…

That was my Saturday. It was good.
Posted in Miscellaneous, Pornfidelity Shoots | Comments Off on All in a days work…
Saturday, July 17th, 2010
I threw a big party yesterday at my home for our beloved employee Kip. He turned 32 and he is gay and he is our official gay reviewer for kellyfind.com which is soon to reveal a gay section so I threw a cock themed party. Makes sense, right? I had life-like dildos on top of colored glass beads inside glass vases and linen napkins and matching china and goldware. Yes, call me the Martha Stewart of porn. I had Twilight posters and photos of half naked men. Wendy our office manager baked a cake in the shape of a cock, she even toasted coconut and created pubic hair, and we had delicious suckers to suck on beneath cock shaped streamers with cute little faces. Cathy made her famous taco salad. We drank skinny bitches (vodka and diet Sunkist lemon which is the bomb) and we had a lot of fun. It was a small afternoon gathering of just the employees and Kip’s boyfriend Courtney.
Ryan and I had to then scramble and clean up and change into our Angel gear and head to Anaheim Stadium to watch the Angels vs the Mariners. Angels won and after a few beers I was done. Put a fork in me. My husband and his father caught a fly ball and I was ready to go home and catch some z’s.

I am now getting ready to shoot a scene for pornfidelity.com and then 2 scenes tomorrow for my site. I think Monday might be my day of rest but you never know what comes my way here in Madison Land.
Check back in with you later alligators…

Posted in Family & Friends, Personal Photo & Video Shoots, Pornfidelity Shoots | Comments Off on Birthday cocks and catching balls
Thursday, July 15th, 2010
Ha ha. My new update “Breast Appreciation #4” went up this week and for those that can appreciate a big set of REAL tits, then this one’s for you! Check it out. I will and forever be breastfully yours…
Posted in Personal Photo & Video Shoots | Comments Off on Appreciate those god damn titties…
Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

Or should I say off to battle. I have to go to EDD court to fight an unemployment case. The thrills of owning your own company I guess. I like the dress but notice my screen door of my office house is off, nice and white trashy I’d say. The dress must have brought me luck or the screen door being off because I won. Just another fun filled day!
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Friday, July 9th, 2010
The dogs sit in the Escalade all day long while I work on my computer in my house. They like the shade and the memory foam mattress in the back. They sit there all day and check out the birds and the gophers destroying my grass. Trey refuses to get out, the gardeners even came this morning and both Kaylee and Trey barked at them from inside the Escalade! Geez, they are spoiled dogs.
OK, I just went back outside to try to get Trey to come in. I even attempted to bribe him with treats but no go. I got Kaylee to walk the plank, she’s easy. It is getting hot outside, this week it has been unusually cool but today it is heating up but Trey still won’t budge!

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