Archive for August, 2010
Tuesday, August 31st, 2010
Well, almost got to the mountains on my birthday. What actually happened is that the 395 on our way to Mammoth was closed due to a flash flood. We had the option to hang out with all the other stranded travelers at the Chevron gas station and drink some brewskies with them but I was not interested in sitting in a car in 100 degree weather. Not on my birthday and not any day! We drove back 45 minutes and came across a cute little town called Ridgecrest and I got us a room at a Best Western that was very clean and very nice but they had a limit on what size dog you could have. I’m not one to lie but I did tell the woman at the front desk while checking in that my dog Trey was only 40 lbs. Do you know how hard it is to sneak a 110 pound dog past the lobby?
We arrived the next morning in beautiful Mammoth Lakes. I love that place. It is where Ryan proposed to me. Trey was a happy dog and we hiked and biked and ate and drank and had ourselves a merry little time.
Ryan even did the dishes after our aunt and uncle prepared us rack of lamb for my birthday dinner. Doesn’t he look cute?

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Friday, August 20th, 2010

My sis is sick so I am driving out to Vegas right now. It is 5:00 AM and I am heading out on the road. I need to take care of her because not only is she sick physically, she just isn’t herself emotionally. I am hopping in the truck with the doggies and heading out to Las Vegas. My doggies are pretty good at making her smile. She loves them like they were hers. I’ll be there all weekend and I’ll be back early Monday to do what? Oversee a damn CAT6 line install which sounds easy but I have a crazy 3 story house that I run my business out of AT& T is setting up of 2 more T1’s and it is all supposed to work. I know, story of my life. Screw all that. It sucks that my sister is sick but I’ll feel better once I am there. Like I said, I’m on the road again…
P.S. That photo isn’t me. I don’t drive a semi, I drive a black dodge ram truck. I thought the photo that I got off the Internet was funny 🙂
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Friday, August 20th, 2010

OK, these god damn Flex lines are still fucked up. Now there is crazy static on my “on hold” music only on the digital phone lines, yet the analog phone lines are fine. Fuck. Now the caller ID isn’t working coming in or going out. Going out is AT&T’s problem to fix, coming in is the PRI card and I have to fix it. I just spent another 8 hours on a stupid phone system. I fucking hate phone systems and I hate AT&T!
Got this video off my iphone. I almost forgot about it. I was pretty crazy last Sunday. I think I am just crazy in general, doesn’t matter if I’m doing porn or trying to run a business. It is all INSANITY.
“It’s my birthday!!!”
Posted in Domestic Drudgery, feelings and thoughts, Personal Photo & Video Shoots | Comments Off on Phones and T1’s are making me CrAzy!!!
Thursday, August 19th, 2010
On Tuesday before the madness began I was at doggie beach with Trey. We were basking in the sunlight and enjoying the ocean breeze and getting away from all the hustle and bustle and especially escaping the god forsaken heat. I love Huntington Beach and I love the fact that there is a no leash beach for the dogs to run around on. Everyone is cool and picks up after their dog and everyone is friendly. I wish I was there right now and so does Trey. Boo hoo.
Check out my boring dog video 🙂
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Wednesday, August 18th, 2010
Just got back from spending another 8 hours trying to fix the phone system. Come to find out we need a software update and who knows how long or who is going to install it for us. I guess my phone system that I bought 7 years ago is antiquated and no one knows how to work on them. I paid 5K so I’m a little pissed that they don’t work now. I don’t want to buy a new phone system, Wah! So if you call our customer service line and get a funky message or something saying “mail box full” don’t hate me. Just email us at support@413prod.com and we’ll take care of you.
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Monday, August 16th, 2010
We shot Jazy Berlin on Saturday and she was the perfect Barbie for our pornfidelity scene. Jazy is tall, blonde and even knows the barbie song by heart. It was too cute. All I can say is that on Saturday she lived in a Barbie world and got fucked by like a Barbie girl. Literally fucked until 10:45PM. I was tired.
The next day we began at 8:00 AM for my kellymadison.com birthday shoot. Last year I was tied up with black rope to a torture stand with crazy make-up and big pony tails on each side of my head with a paper party hat on and got cake and ice cream thrown at me.

This year I stuck with the crazy make-up but I went a little more on the insane side. Let’s just say I was a pretty – pretty princess!

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Friday, August 13th, 2010
Usually Friday the 13th is good luck for me but not today. I got married on Friday the 13th, well, oh, maybe it isn’t so lucky for me!
First of all Aug. 13th is the anniversary of my Mother’s passing so that is a big ass bummer to begin with. Second, today I spent 8 hours trying to get my business phone system to work. We put in an IP Flex so my phone lines are supposed to piggy back on to my T1’s but some of the numbers are lost in the sauce after we ported them. Fuck me, I lost 2 phone numbers! My answering system doesn’t work because of all this so now my customer service calls are going to go into la la land for all I know. I’m sure my merchant account bank will be quite pleased with me, NOT! Will my saga with AT&T ever end?
I was supposed to go to the Angel game tonight but I don’t feel like it nor will I make it in time. I am just going to sit here in the office all by myself and wait for my phone guy to give me instructions over the phone so that I can fix my answering system. Wish me luck…
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Thursday, August 12th, 2010
I went to the Staples Center to see Lady Gaga in concert on Wednesday. Can I say that now I am one of her “little monsters”? Her show was fabulous and Ryan and I took Kip and his boyfriend Courtney with us. The tickets for Kip and Court were for Kip’s birthday. Man, those tickets were a bitch to get. We had a little pre-par-tay at Wolfgang Puck’s before hand. Here’s a little diddy from that night…
video bts gaga
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Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

I had Courtney (he was the cute cowboy from my $5 Studway commercial) come over and help us out with a scene on Saturday. We had so much fun fiming “Bitch got the Boot” for pornfidelity a few weeks ago that we decided to do a darker version of it intelligently entitled “Black Bitch got the Boot”. Oh yeah, we are brilliant around here 🙂

Well, we shot Misty and Courtney fighting in the car and then he boots her out. Fucking hysterical. The shit they yelled back and forth to each other was hilarious. I couldn’t write script that good if I tried. Well, it goes up in a few weeks so keep a look out for it, the trailer should be quite comical so if you forget to visit www.pornfidelity.com yourself I’ll post here on my blog.
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