I got home from SF late last night and then today I had to drive to Baker which is only an hour from Las Vegas to meet my sister to get my dog Trey. I would have waited until Thursday to make the trip but Trey fell while jumping off my sister’s bed and hurt his leg and is limping badly. I got him and then drove like a bat out of hell to Yorba Linda to his vet to get him x-rayed. I dropped him off, drove back home and wrapped gifts for my Mother-in-law and changed clothes and put on make-up and did my hair and then drove back to Yorba to get Trey and then drove to Cypress for her birthday party. Fuck me. I am pooped and I am not driving any longer for at least a year. That sounds good 🙂
Ryan took the mattress off our guest bed and Trey and I are going to lay in the family room and watch TV. I think I am spending the rest of the week on the white trash bed with my hurt doggie.