Archive for July, 2010
Thursday, July 8th, 2010

Yep, I’m bossy, just ask anyone. Thought I would actually turn it into a video/photo shoot for my site! Actually, I’ve gotten so many requests lately to be demanding and controlling and a little bit belittling on camera and telling the viewer how and when they can cum that I decided to finally do it.
For those of you that like to be controlled by a busty, tall and dominating woman, check out the free clip.
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Wednesday, July 7th, 2010

It’s here, Dirty 30’s Number 11. Geez I make a lot of porn and this is some of the really good stuff. This is the eleventh title in the Pornfidelity series featuring all girls 30 and over. I started the series when I was in my 30’s and now I am approaching 43. What do I call it now, dirty and old! OK, I like to put myself down a lot but I can’t put down these gorgeous girls who are indeed still in their 30’s. Check them out and all the glorious details here at my store. You can get an autographed copy if you are nice!
Posted in Announcements & Changes | Comments Off on Dirty Something…
Sunday, July 4th, 2010
Happy 4th of July! Hope you are taking the day off and sparking up the grill and sharing your day with family and friends but if not, join me for the day we will have our own little cookout. Just check out my latest 4th of July update on kellymadison.com and stick YOUR big wiener in MY mouth!

I will be spending the day trying to forget that I am married to this…

But then again, He does make me laugh and I guess I wouldn’t have it any other way 🙂
Posted in Holidays & Personal Events | Comments Off on Red White and Blue
Saturday, July 3rd, 2010

No, I don’t mean Faye’s cute ass, I am referring to my Kim Kardashian ass from my previous entry 🙂
But really, check out my skin! Holy shit, the spray tan went a little, how do I say this? Oompaloompah? Fuck me, I am orange. I tried to wash it off before doing the scene with Faye who happens to be the whitest chick in porn but to no avail. It just wouldn’t come off. The sprayer must have been off that day cuz I am a colored girl. The new update on pornfidelity.com is great and Faye is sexy as hell and I was really into having sex with her and Ryan but I have to admit my skin looks a bit bizarre. Oh well, the high risk life of trying to look good for the camera 🙂
See all the hot white and orange action for yourself!

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Saturday, July 3rd, 2010
Ha! I just found this photo in the new BTS update on kellymadison.com. So funny to see me with a big ‘ol butt. We put foam rubber in my pantyhose to make me a Kim Kardashian ass for the spoof on her Carl’s Jr. commercial a month or so ago and I think it looks like Kim’s, don’t you? It was fun having an ass for once. Mine is sort of flat and wide, not perky and pointed out. I think I want to do another ass video, too bad it’s not real ;(

Posted in Tales Of Mr. Madison | Comments Off on Tap dat ass
Friday, July 2nd, 2010
The boys needed to clear out some old cactus from our property today. The phone company won’t even come near the poles with all the dangerous cactus around. As I mentioned earlier, we have to dig in the ground and another cactus is right in our pathway. They aren’t little, actually well over 12 feet high. They aren’t small either and they aren’t soft. Ryan and Kip set out today with a chainsaw, a pitchfork and some gloves and goggles and did some real man work today. I stopped by after getting a manicure and pedicure to see how progress was coming along. I almost got snagged but my elusive superpowers saved me! (click here to see me narrowly escape)(click here to see me narrowly escape)
Posted in Domestic Drudgery, Tales Of Mr. Madison | Comments Off on Cactus vs Man
Thursday, July 1st, 2010

If you are thinking I am a little strange the answer is yes, and my life is more than just about dogs but do you really want to hear how NATS (our affiliate program script) is driving us nuts, AT&T has totally fucked up our phone lines again, we have dig alert coming out so that we can dig big ‘ol trenches on our property to put in new conduit before we can add more pipe to our existing T1 lines and did I mention we are training a new person at our company? See, I warned you, the real world is no fun but doggies are! They are loads of fun and taking them to the park at 6:30 PM when it is still 85 degrees outside doesn’t sound like fun but it was. They loved their walk and you can tell by those hanging tongues. Gotta love ’em!
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