Archive for November, 2010
Monday, November 29th, 2010
I finally did it! I have a wonderful member of my site that kept asking for me to do a foot job. I have never done one so I was hesitant that I would be unable to perform that task but I tried it and I liked it. We shot it on Sunday and then went home and I made a turkey with all the trimmings for Thanksgiving #2, this time with my sister. I think I am turkeyed out now. Let’s see, we had turkey dinner at the office after shooting the Thanksgiving scene on Tuesday, I had Thanksgiving dinner at my in-laws on Thursday and then again on Sunday. See what I mean? Thank god I have an elliptical machine at my house to burn off all those gobble gobble calories 🙂

This is a photo from my iphone after my illustrious foot job. I wasn’t bad at it but let’s just say I do better with titty fucking. My feet aint too pretty. I really did like my hairstyle that day. We did an up do and I loved it. I need to wear my hair up more often. That way it won’t get in the way when I am doing a blow job. I can’t tell you how annoying that gets. Hazards of the job I guess…
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Saturday, November 27th, 2010

I didn’t hit the stores on Black Friday but I did hit up a hot blond in my bed by the name of Dayna Vendetta. We shot a scene for pornfidelity.com with the theme of Black Friday but we shopped for a big cock and we got a deal on one, in fact, we got it for free!
It was a fun shoot and everyone had a good time. I swear, shooting for pornfidelity.com never feels like a job. I am thankful this Thanksgiving weekend for that 🙂
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Thursday, November 25th, 2010

OK, I might sound like I am bragging but seriously, this is the best trailer and video our company has produced as of yet. Check it out and have the happiest Thanksgiving or Titsgiving ever.
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Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010
Yes she was here with us last Saturday and wow, was she spectacular. I haven’t worked or hung out with that hottie in forever. I loved being with her, laughing with her, and best of all, having sex with her. Who doesn’t love a 5’11 blond beautiful Swede eating you out and taking your husband’s cock deep in her pussy? I know I loved it, and I hope you do too. The update goes on Friday after Thanksgiving. I know I am thankful for Puma being in my life 🙂
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Saturday, November 13th, 2010
I’ve only been home a few days to unpack and do work, pay bills and then off to Vegas to take care of my sister. She is still ill so I am leaving to spend 5 days with her. I wish I could stay longer but I have shoots to do and a business to run. I am coming back on Wednesday and then I am shooting with Miss Puma Swede on Saturday and doing some Kelly Madison.com shoots on Sunday and Tuesday. I miss Puma, this is a photo from our limoo on the way to the AVN Awards show back in 09 when we were younger and crazier, actually, we are crazier now, OK, maybe not 🙂

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Thursday, November 11th, 2010
The trip was fantastic. I love Seattle. I haven’t been there in 20 years. I lived there for about 9 months and tried to do my own business and it failed so I had to come back home to California. I hadn’t discovered porn yet 🙂

The game started off fun but went downhill quickly. The Giants killed the Seahawks but I still got some fun photos while at the Stadium. We had to use my iphone since our camera was full due to Ryan filming us having sex in our hotel room the night before. Hey, we’ve got our priorities.
The weather was absolutely perfect and everyone in the city treated us wonderfully. Our hotel was very nice and the fresh seafood and micro brews from Seattle were delicious. Now I have to workout with that damn jackweight again 🙂
Oh yeah, speaking of our hotel, there was a Taboo Video store right next door that had over 20 of our DVD’s inside. We checked out the store and I bought myself a little toy to play with. I couldn’t be slutless in Seattle.
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Saturday, November 6th, 2010
Later peeps. I’m catching a plane this morning for Seattle. We are going to the Seahawk/Giants game on Sunday and then spend a few days in Seattle taking in the sights. Gooooo Seahawks!
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Friday, November 5th, 2010

Yeah, that’s what I said. Introducting the “Jackweight”. Hey, I figured everyone else and their dog has done a spoof on the shakeweight so I weighed in with my own version 🙂
Hope you like it, I had fun making it. I had to do 5 outfit changes in one day. It is a lot easier just to get dressed once and then take it off on camera. Check out the free trailer and let me know if you want to order yours today!
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Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010

And hot dogs and pizza. Sounds like dinner? Well, I was the beer, “Buzzed Nice” was my name, Ryan was the taco with a secret cream sauce, Trey was the pizza that looks a bit soggy and Kaylee was the cute hot dog with all the toppings. We were The White Trash Family Dinner for Halloween this year. I know, as if we hadn’t worn enough costumes last month! I just got this photo from Ryan’s parents. We went over to his family’s to carve pumpkins and eat dinner, guess what his mom served? Tacos!
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Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

What did I do over the weekend? Well I washed some cars to raise money for charity, Pornstars for Paws!. It is my new charity and what better way to raise money than a car wash? A topless car wash of course 🙂
I had a sexy little thang named Loni Evans help me out. She was all about the topless idea, in fact she was pretty much naked the entire time. Check out pornfidelity.com in a few weeks to see how squeaky clean we got Ryan’s cock.

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