Archive for October, 2010
Sunday, October 31st, 2010

Of course I had to do the Halloween theme for the new pornfidelity.com update. How could I resist scaring my little pretties. I am a witch with not so great abilities when it comes to witchcraft but I do know my way around a cock and a pussy. My magical powers are sexual in nature. Just watch out what I turn you into before I devour you…
Pornfidelity.com’s free halloween trailer is ready and waiting to turn you into a horny toad. Wah ha ha haaaaaaa!
Happy Halloween from all of us ghouls here at Kelly Madison Media. We would love to eat you someday…
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Wednesday, October 27th, 2010
Sorry guys, we switched hosting companies and loading all the sites onto the new servers is proving to be more problematic than we ever imagined. Looks like “Young Cockenstein” won’t go up on kellymadison.com until tomorrow, cross your fingers! I have never NOT updated my site in over 10 years so no worries, it will go up and hopefully it will be worth the wait. Until then, Dr. Dogenstein wishes you a Happy Halloween. Ooh, almost spooky!

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Sunday, October 24th, 2010

This is me in a pin-up style wig. I like it. I got all into the Halloween spirt. I shot like a crazy Mutha Fucking Witch this weekend. Oh, actually I was a crazy witch on my pornfidelity.com shoot on Friday. The scene goes up on Friday. Just in time to scare your cock with 🙂
The scene I did on Saturday was an addition to my ongoing series of Dr. Cockenstein. It goes up on Wednesday. It had sex, mystery, suspense, action, and of course, comedy. I think the whole scene is comedy by the way. This is a photo of the last part of the scene. Seems like something got blown, oh, I mean, blown up!

Posted in Holidays & Personal Events, Personal Photo & Video Shoots, Pornfidelity Shoots | Comments Off on Spooky…
Sunday, October 17th, 2010

I went to Morongo Casino and Resort on Saturday to join in the celebration of Ryan’s grandmother turning 80. The whole family was there. We hit the pool right when we got there but the bar was closed. It was warm out and there were other people out there but no drink service. Well, I took care of that. One phone call and a few minutes later we had a bucket of beers and some nachos and the family was munching down and sliding down the water slide. We got dressed and went to dinner, we gambled, we partied and then passed out. Today I am tired. I just can’t party with these old folks, damn, they wore me out. It was really sweet of a couple to say hi to Ryan while having breakfast this morning and complimenting us on our “body of work” so to speak but we were kind of rude to the guy. Ryan’s mother and sister were at the table with us. Not a good move. They know what we do but we keep it low key. So, if you read this, sorry dude for being rude. We really aren’t like that and enjoy when people say hi. So if you see us out and about just check to see if there are old people by us and if so, just do a quiet wave. That would be greatly appreciated 🙂
Posted in Family & Friends, feelings and thoughts, Holidays & Personal Events, Travel & Adventures | Comments Off on Just got back from Morongoing
Friday, October 15th, 2010

Yeah, I’m over the top, alright. It’s these big titties that make me so damn top heavy I can’t keep from falling over. Geez, they can’t get any bigger, I’ll just die. I filmed a little diddy on top of the stairs tonight. It goes up on Wednesday of this week. It was a quiet and simple shoot with just me and Ryan. Kip was busy setting up for being the lead makeup artist for the Scream Awards that film on Saturday. Yep, I lost my makeup artist for the day but I didn’t so bad myself. I think I’ve got that smokey eye look down. Then again, I’m really glad his gig up in LA only lasted a week 🙂
Posted in Family & Friends, Personal Photo & Video Shoots | Comments Off on Over the ledge and over the top
Thursday, October 14th, 2010

Hmm, you can’t really see her hair in this photo but trust me she has red hair. I put up a video on my site today that is quite exciting. The newest update on kellymadison.com is a video and photos from my new site to come, www.teenfidelity.com. Here is a free trailer of my nasty threesome with a hot little teen.
The site still will be launching in December but I just couldn’t wait any longer. There are some really hot scenes with young ladies and I wanted to share it with my members on kellymadison.com before then. Teenfidelity.com will be a sister site to pornfidelity.com and when you join pornfidelity or teenfidelity you get the other for free. It’s a 2-fer by golly! Hope you like older women and young teens and one lucky 30 something dude. I know I do 🙂
Posted in Announcements & Changes, Personal Photo & Video Shoots, Pornfidelity Shoots | Comments Off on Red haired fireball!
Wednesday, October 13th, 2010

Here we are at the beach. No smell of dead mouse here, maybe some dead fish but that’s OK with me.
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Tuesday, October 12th, 2010
I worked as long as I could today but I am outta here! There is a dead mouse in my attic or in my wall in my home office and I think I am going to die! My not so intelligent neighbor decided to poison the mice in his house and so one of his victims decided to crawl into my house to die. Who does that? You set traps and catch them, not poison them and let them rot in your house. Well, his stupidity is now my torture. I have had to move my computer to another room along with my printer and my fax and blah blah blah. The exterminator said he couldn’t find the little rotting creature so it must be in my wall. The smell is awful so me and the dogs have to run to the PO Box and go and buy some hard drives so we are, as I put it earlier, outta here! Ryan has agreed to come along so we are off to do our errands as a family and then to doggie beach and then meet his grandparents for dinner.
Posted in Domestic Drudgery | Comments Off on Dog beach and dead mice
Wednesday, October 6th, 2010
That best explains my husband Ryan. Today my voodoo episode went up. See for yourself how mean and how nice I am to him. See, I have to keep some sort of balance. I can’t be too nice and if I am too mean he’ll run away!
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