Archive for September, 2010
Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Yes, I am the geisha, he is the warrior, a strange warrior but one nonetheless. See for yourself in this video clip. Kelly trailer
Ryan tried to do a karate chop on my big titties but I blocked it with my Jujutsu capabilities. He was weakened by my swordsmanship on his cock. He soon gave me his soy saucy all over my face. Very nice, very nice indeed…
We are weird people but at least we have fun doing it. Hope you get the joke and laugh along with us. That’s why I do this stuff in the first place. I want you to have fun 🙂
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Tuesday, September 28th, 2010
Yes, the mouse will play, me being the mouse of course 🙂
Ryan left for Atlanta this morning and I had a ton of work to do not to mention taking my truck down to Pep boys to get a new battery. Do you see how this is working? I am the girl yet I do all the car stuff. Yep, I think I am officially a dike.
Well, I guess dikes hang out with gays because on Monday night instead of watching football I rented “Good Hair” and had my makeup artist and his boyfriend and my hair stylist and his boyfriend and ex boyfriend over to watch the movie and have a grand ‘ol time. We sure did. Just mix gin, vodka and wigs and see what happens…

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Sunday, September 26th, 2010
I got to shoot with another hot teen girl. Where do these young girls learn how to fuck so well? Are they born with that ability or what? I dunno but I like it. I liked her a lot and I even made her dinner along with Ryan and Kip.
The shoots went well this weekend. It was a 3 day in a row of sex, games and orgasms. I got all caught up in the shoot on Saturday while shooting Monica and totally forgot to take pics of that hot young black girl 🙁
I liked her a lot and I even made her dinner along with Ryan and Kip. She was going to some rave afterward and it reminded me of how old I am. After the shoot she was going to an all night party and I was making dinner and then walking the dogs and going to bed. We had turkey meatballs and spaghetti after she licked my husband’s meatballs. Now that’s a spicy meatball…
I did a geisha loves samurai style shoot on Sunday with Ryan for kellymadison.com. The shoot goes up on Wednesday so I’ll post some pics then. Ryan kept trying to go all crazy on me and turn it into a wrestling style shoot. WTF? Give him a theme and he just goes crazy with it. He was actually pretty funny and I had a hard time trying to keep a straight face. He really does make me laugh, I guess that’s why I love him so much.
Posted in Domestic Drudgery, Personal Photo & Video Shoots, Pornfidelity Shoots, Tales Of Mr. Madison | Comments Off on Miss Teenie Weenie and Me
Friday, September 24th, 2010
Yesterday upon returning from running errands for me, Cathy pulled up to my house in her jeep and ran over my dog! OK, at first she thought she ran over him but alas, she hit him on the butt with the tire and then stopped. He yelped really loud and was shaking and couldn’t walk so I gathered up my things to rush him to the vet. I called Ryan to come home immediately and we were all in a panic. I was yelling, Cathy was crying, Trey was shaking and whimpering. As soon as Ryan pulled up Trey started to wag his tail and walked over to him like nothing had happened. Geez, he was fine after all. What a big baby.
After all that chaos I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I went and got my nails done and made dinner and crashed out last night. Today is a shoot day so I’ll be a busy beaver, literally 🙂
I’ll post some pics and/or video from today’s and tomorrow’s shoots. I also shoot on Sunday. See, I told you, busy little beaver!
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Tuesday, September 21st, 2010
Sorry I haven’t been my usual talkative self. I was getting ready for a shoot this weekend and I decided to spray on this body oil in my bathroom. Well, I have marble floors and I was wearing high heels and holding a very thin glass, yes a combination for disaster. I didn’t realize that the oil got on the floor and as I walked out my feet flew out beneath me, my shoes went flying off and my lower back came crashing down on the side of my bathtub and the glass slammed down and shattered into a gazillion pieces. Fuck me, it hurt. I have been limping around for the last few days. It was so weird, I had a ton of tiny little slivers all in my arm and hand. I feel like I am still find more!
So that’s my sob story. Other than that I had enough composure to finish my “Breast Appreciation #6” shoot. Here it is Tuesday so I have to get off my sore butt and go do some errands today. I feel like I have been run over by a truck, literally.

Posted in Domestic Drudgery, Personal Photo & Video Shoots | Comments Off on Not much to say lately…
Monday, September 13th, 2010

Ryan decided to trim our ficus trees on Sunday. It was really hot but he insisted on getting up on a ladder and trimming the tops off in an attempt to even them out a little bit. We have like 25 of these trees so it took quite a while. Why do we pay gardeners to come when we do all the work? Oh yeah, that’s right, they are just mow and blow guys. WTF????
I had to do all the cleanup so I was “thrilled” to be working out in the hot sun, right? The dogs tried to help out but like I said, it was freaking hot outside. Trey tried to find shelter under a tree and almost got his nose whacked off and Kaylee found a sweet spot to lay down in. All in all Sunday was a fun family day for Ryan, me and the doggies but enough with this working outside in the heat. Please let fall come soon. I can’t take it any longer. I was so fed up with the heat that I booked a trip to Seattle. Ah, rain and Starbucks and Nordstroms and ferries and oh yeah, Seattle Seahawks game. I lured Ryan to Seattle with football. Had to do it somehow.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, the heat did sort of make us horny and we had sex outside on the side of the house. This was my lame attempt of taking a photo of it. Thank god I am not in charge of photos and video for our company.
Posted in Domestic Drudgery, Pet Stories, Tales Of Mr. Madison | Comments Off on Tree Massacre
Sunday, September 12th, 2010

We put her in gold lame and stuck her outside in the heat standing on broken up cement and old tires and then tied her to the end of our bed and poked and prodded her with gold painted items. Hmm, sounds kinda weird but visually it was really cool. Kiara was game for it all. She had a great attitude and played along with us. Lovely girl, lovely attitude and great scene. She was quite yummy.
Check her video to see what a “sport” she was. golden girls

OK, what up with that hair of mine, right? I wanted big ass hair and that is what I got. It is somewhere between a “My Pretty Pony” and a show poodle. Hey, I have to experiement every now and then. I don’t think I’ll be revisiting this hair style any time soon 🙂
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Saturday, September 11th, 2010

Yes she is, and she’s all mine. Well, she was all mine for a day. OK, OK, I had to share her with my husband but in my mind she was all for me. She rocked our world with one of the best scenes we’ve ever shot in over 10 years. Even my husband who is always kind to the girls went out of his way and sincerely complimented her afterward telling her that now he knows why she is rated so high. Fucking Marvelous.

London’s natural breasts and supple body made my mouth water. I loved hanging out with her prior to the scene. She is genuine and fun as fuck.
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Tuesday, September 7th, 2010

Oh, and she wasn’t just posing, she likes her glasses. See for yourself. dog wearing glasses
Kaylee looks pretty darn cute in her sunglasses, if I do say so myself. She hung out in the back seat while Ryan drove her, me and Trey (who was out of sight due to the fact that he was in the very back of the Escalade lying on his memory foam bed) to Vegas on Saturday. Trey just got out of the hospital on Friday. He was there 2 nights due to a bad bug he caught while sipping on some stagnant water while in Mammoth. If you have ever been a witness to Hemorrhagic Gasteroenteritis then you know how messy and scary it can be. My damn dog almost died on me again. I’m really getting sick of this. I need my baby to live a few more years.
Well, getting on to funner things, we were finally all healthy and packed and hopped in the car to go to Las Vegas to attend a party thrown by the owner of The Best Porn.com and wow, does he have a house. We went there a few years ago and they had just finished the interior. 14,000 square feet of interior! Our car ride out was fun and I think I was just so thrilled that my dog was alive and that Ryan was driving and I could sit back and have fun.
fun in the car
We arrived just in time for Ryan to get a hair cut at my sister Judi’s new salon and then change into our “white wife beaters and bling” as exactly worded in our invitation sent to us by our host Rick. Ryan was supposed to be wearing white but of course he had to sport a black beater instead. He looked cute so I didn’t fight him on it 🙂

Posted in Adult Biz Events, Family & Friends, Pet Stories, Travel & Adventures | Comments Off on On the road AGAIN!!!
Saturday, September 4th, 2010
A pretty little girl came over to my house and she had on some sexy booty shorts. She hopped on my husband’s bike and then hopped on his cock. She was very fun to play with.
Here’s a little snippet from our Friday with Jynx. low rider
Posted in Pornfidelity Shoots, Tales Of Mr. Madison | Comments Off on Teen delight