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Archive for the ‘feelings and thoughts’ Category

Can’t get enough…

Saturday, August 27th, 2011

We barely finished filming and editing the 400th and here we go again shooting some more porn. We scheduled 4 shoots this weekend, yes 4. I barely got all the confetti picked up and by the way, that shit goes everywhere. My entire crew has been helping me clean and we still keep finding it. Getting back to my story, we are now knee deep in more pussy. Ryan shot with the fabulous Kortney Kane and I was supposed to be there but I had to take my baby back to the Vet. We discovered last week that he has Laryngeal Paralysis and he had to have surgery on Tuesday. I brought him home Wednesday but he was having some problems on Thursday so I took him back to make sure everything was OK. Here is my baby with a big fat scar 🙁

I promise to invite Kortney back with us so that I can make it up to her 🙂

Yesterday was great because we got to work with Ava Addams. She was so sweet to the doggies and kind to the crew. She was also very sexy. We shot at my house so that I could keep an eye on my dog Trey. Oh yeah, it was my birthday yesterday. I hate birthdays but I did enjoy getting all those facebook messages and all the emails. Thanks so much.

I’m off to go shoot a Kelly Madison scene, I’m bringing my dogs with me. And then I have to set up a set for tomorrow’s shoot.

I have decided that I am not even putting on mascara next week. I might not brush my hair. I can only be glamour gal for so long. Just give me some cut off jean shorts, my Dodge Ram truck, my dogs, my man and an open road. I need a road trip BAD. Our trip to Mammoth got cancelled due to Trey’s surgery. It will need to be postponed but as soon as he is better we are going on a much needed vacation.

Dildo Disco Deal

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

Sold another set! I am telling you, I love this. I am having so much fun with dressing up in the various bras and panties and this time the gentleman ordered the stockings that I wore as well.

My “Fabulous Forty Four” birthday update just went up today but alas, I can’t sell the bathing suit, I borrowed it from a friend 🙂

Love My Nasty Fans!

Wednesday, August 10th, 2011

I do, I love them! Recently I have been selling a bunch of personal items. Not only bras and wet panties but gloves and robes and special requests. I just sold this set to a great fan who I’ve had for while. Bless his heart.

A new guy really wanted my robe which I dearly love but hey, he’s a fan and he wants it so I sent it fed ex on Monday. He is also getting these gloves and my favorite bra.

I have really had a lot of fun doing this. I like shopping for the bras, wearing them in a photo/video set for my site and then sending them with LOVE to my fans. Pretty much any item worn on my website is available. I don’t list them inside my shopping cart because that would be a nightmare to do but if you email me at I will respond and let you know if it is possible to purchase and create a special link on my shopping cart.

Think of it this way, “My panties are your panties!” 🙂

So what’s wrong with me????

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Last 3 weekends I have been a busy little beaver shooting content. It is July and I live in the hottest part of Southern California and I keep going outside to do it! Fuck, it is sooo hot outside and I have 2 houses, 2 big houses to shoot inside with lots of AC but noooo. I decide to go outside so that my hair and makeup can melt. So there you have it, Kelly Madison is a masochist. This week’s update was around 90 degrees when we did the photos and video and this past Sunday we shot one where I am playing outside with a hose and it was even hotter. Then again, I did watch the national weather and I think the rest of the country has been experiencing a hotter Summer than us here in So Cal. I guess shooting outside and suffering in this heat is my way of recognizing global climate change. Guess we should be all driving electric cars.

Chasin’ Chickens

Thursday, July 7th, 2011

OK, my favorite thing to do since I was 3years old is to chase chickens. OK, maybe not my “favorite” thing to do now that I am 43 but hey, it’s still up there. The behind the scenes photos for the month of June just went up on and I came across of few that I thought I would share with you. I really need my own farm. I want goats, chickens, horses and of course, a donkey. I still haven’t adopted Bob the donkey that I told you about a while ago but I want to. I think Ryan would make an excellent farmer. Check him out here with farmer bob boots on. I think he looks sooo sexy.

In bed with the stomach flu

Friday, July 1st, 2011

OK, I don’t look like this right now but you don’t want to see how look right now…

I ate something that didn’t agree with me or I am just a stress head and it has gone to my gut but I don’t get to shoot today 🙁

As I write this blog I hear the delightful moans and screams of the beautiful Savannah Stern coming from my personal bedroom. My husband is fucking the hell out of her right now. I am hiding out in my guest bedroom and my office. Wah, no sex for me!

Kind of sad :(

Saturday, May 14th, 2011

Today is my Mama’s birthday. She would have been 80 years old. She passed in 2001 and I miss her so much. I’m at home today just working on the website. I woke up kind of depressed but then looking back through all the crazy stuff Ryan and I have done over the last 10 years cheered me up a bit. He has really done some ridiculous things and has worn some pretty stupid costumes. My Mother would have laughed at us. I wouldn’t have shown her the sex photos but the goofy costumes she would have gotten a kick out of. With all that said I recently watched “how to train your dragon” and loved the movie. It inspired me to do a new scene for I found this costume for sale on e-bay. I think Ryan will look adorable in this. I can’t wait to cut out a hole for his cock! Get it, how to train your dragon, hee hee.

Got my hair did!

Friday, May 13th, 2011

If you haven’t noticed that I am a fond user of hair extensions well let me break the news to you. I love a little hair enhancement when I’m shooting. It gives me that extra oomph, so to speak. Well I’ve tried them all. I paid top dollar for hair that only fell out a few months later. I have glued in hair, clipped in hair and alas now, I just had “seamless” hair like the Kardashian girls use installed. It was an installment all right. It was actually quite painless. I am happy with it. Here are the before and after photos:

I really like the fullness and body it gives me 🙂

Will’s and Kate’s wedding was fabulous.

Friday, April 29th, 2011

I got back from the book signing at Taschen around 11:00PM and I stayed up until 3:00AM and then I fell asleep on the couch right before it started. Thank god I taped the event so when I awoke at 7:00 AM I could fast forward and watch all the good parts. Hey, I should have been invited, you know I had the hat all ready!

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

Friday, April 22nd, 2011

Be gentle on the earth today. My mother raised me to be very conscious of my environment so now I own a hybrid car and I wish it were electric but hey, next time. I recycle like crazy and make everyone around me do so, I try to buy efficiently so as not to waste energy and I use re-useable bags at the grocery store and I turn off lights and electrical devices when I can. I am a firm believer that a little bit does add up. We don’t have go out of our way too much to help out. Today is a great day to just do our little part. The planet will thank us!

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