Archive for the ‘feelings and thoughts’ Category
Monday, May 13th, 2013
I had a lovely Mother’s day yesterday. I spent it with Ryan’s family and it couldn’t have been more enjoyable, except for maybe the 3 loads of piping hot dog poo I had to pick up at the park that my fur babies gave me. How sweet of them, huh? It was so hot yesterday at the park I thought I was going to pass out. It is only May and it hit over 100 degrees and it was even hotter today! Today I stayed indoors and worked on my websites. I am not venturing outdoors until it gets dark. I’m a little vampire when it is hot out, I much prefer the cold winter. Boob sweat is NOOOO fun.
What is fun is shooting for pornfidelity.com. Our shoot on Saturday was great. We worked with Ashley Graham. After our sexy threesome romp we hung out and I made us dinner and she had a few glasses of wine with me and she decided to spend the night. So I not only had a great scene for our business and for our fans but I also made a new friend – thanks Ashley!
Tomorrow is May 14th, my Mother’s birthday. If she were still alive she would be 82. I miss her. It sucks that Mother’s day always falls on or close to her birthday, kind of a double whammy of sadness. Even though she passed in 2001 I think of her every day. She had such a great sense of humor and was my biggest fan. She taught me so much and most importantly she taught me to be kind and thoughtful and open. She constantly read and was full of knowledge and shared everything with me that she learned. She introduced me to art, music, politics, science and cooking. She was a great cook.
Speaking of cooking, it is getting late. I started today on the computer around 9:30 AM and here it is 8:30PM. Time flies in here in my office. My neck hurts and my tummy is growling and my fur babies are hungry and so must be my husband. I’ll check in later this week with some uplifting info, kisses to you all!
Posted in feelings and thoughts, Holidays & Personal Events, Pet Stories, Pornfidelity Shoots | Comments Off on Mother’s Day, mother-less, new friends and fur babies
Saturday, March 2nd, 2013
OK, I may not be the next Laurie Anderson but this is my expression of what I think porn stars to be. They are faceless nameless sexual objects viewed privately on a computer screen void of any “real” emotions or expressions. Then again, nah, it’s just my crazy weird idea that I’ve had for almost a year to shoot in a morph suit with cut-outs and finally shot it a month ago. I had the idea of “floating tits” and getting fucked by a “floating dick” : )
Yeah, real deep…the truth is it was personally great shooting this for me. No hair, no make-up. and during the sex I could make all the ugly faces I do when I have an orgasm. Actually being covered up head to toe was very freeing.
Looking at it again it reminds me of a French dance/mime group that used to perform on the TV show “The Muppets”. There you go, Muppet inspired porn. I was a sick kid, what can I say?
Check out the free video trailer of White Out.
Posted in feelings and thoughts, Personal Photo & Video Shoots | Comments Off on Performance Art?
Wednesday, February 27th, 2013
Over a week ago a dear friend by the name of Dian Hansen contacted me. I haven’t heard from her for a while and haven’t seen her since the book signing for the 3-D version of “The Big Book of Breasts” that she so graciously had me do the cover photo for several years ago with the photographer Ed Fox. Dian is an editor and writer and knower of all people who are creative and wonderful and works for Taschen and so she calls me and says she has been contacted by Richard Prince who wants to photograph me. “Are you kidding?”, I ask. “THE Richard Prince. the world famous artist? ” and she replies “yes”. I come to find out that he has been trying to track me down for a few years but Dian was unaware of the person he was describing. So low and behold she sets up the appointment for us to meet.
I very excitedly and nervously drive up to Beverly Hills to meet the two of them for lunch at the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel. We meet and he is open and funny and makes me feel so comfortable. We go up to his suite and take a few photos and it all felt like a dream. Richard Prince then invites me to his art opening at the Gagosian gallery and asks if I would also like to attend the private dinner at Mr. Chow’s afterwards and invites my husband as well. “Uh, yes” is what I could barely get out of my lips. In my mind I’m thinking “hell fucking yes I want to go to the gallery, I fucking love art and I have been a fan of yours for quite some time and I am so stoked you are including me in with your personal guests. The answer is a definite YES!”
OK, so this takes place on Tuesday and the gallery opening is on Thursday. Ryan and I drive up, we have a glass of wine and some appies at Villa Blanca and then head over to the gallery. The show is great. The gallery is packed. We first came across Pamela Anderson and then there is just a barrage of celebrity attendees and as the night continues, the level of celebrity increases exponentially with time. Just to get an idea, check out the world famous photographer Terry Richardson’s blog and you’ll get my drift. Me not being a world famous photographer and friend to all these people I found it not a good move to get out my camera so I’ll let his work speak for me, so to speak.
We then all meet up at the gallery and stroll down to Mr. Chow’s but not before being stopped by Tommy Lee Jones who stops and talks with Richard and then we enter the restaurant where Richard introduces me to John Waters who of course I am a huge fan of and I go to take my seat and I find out that Ryan and I are sitting at Richard’s table. Vera Wang was there and I had a better seat than her. Later that night Sir Elton John comes over to the table and it was a slew of who is who is the art and entertainment world the entire evening.
Meanwhile, I’m never been one to be star struck. That wasn’t the highlight of the night. It was the kindness and generosity and the new friendship I was able to experience in meeting Richard Prince and him including me in such a special occasion. The other celebs were merely icing on the cake. The best was just sitting and talking at lunch on that Tuesday and shooting with him afterwards.
But that’s what has been going on in my life. Pretty fun.
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Wednesday, November 14th, 2012
OK, I know I talk about my dogs a lot but other than literally working 7 days a week all I have other than work are my dogs. I love them. Kaylee is shall we say, “unplugged” from her drainage tube but the big guy Trey went in for his 2nd cancer removal surgery on Monday. Big bummer. Good news is I brought him home today and he is resting comfortably in Mama’s arms 🙂
My new episode goes up tomorrow on kellymadison.com. It is titled “Wooly Bully Boobies” because I am wearing a wool sweater and hey, I like that song. I get sort of nasty in this video all by myself. Hey, no one loves you the way that you can love yourself!
The bullshit is what people on the East Coast are dealing with after Sandy. The bullshit is the passing of Prop B in LA and the bullshit is my pet insurance is telling me today that Trey has maxed out his cancer allowance.
On a happier note, Thanksgiving is coming soon and I have such a craving for stuffing. I’ll take it anyway I can get it, homemade, out of the box, at a restaurant, I don’t care, just give me some stuffing! Oh yeah, with some cranberries, please.
Posted in feelings and thoughts, Personal Photo & Video Shoots, Pet Stories | Comments Off on More dog shit, wooly bully and bullshit
Tuesday, October 30th, 2012
Are you kidding me, that hurricane Sandy was horrible. I have been glued to CNN all day. I can’t get over the subway filled with water, crazy. My heart goes out to all that suffered because of that awful storm. I was supposed to have my new Ethernet installed today but the only server that AT&T uses for what they call a “test and turn” just so happens to reside in New Jersey. I’m in California but the server I need is under 2 feet of water! Looks like I’m not getting my Ethernet anytime soon. My suffering and inconvenience is nothing compared to the devastation and death that other people are dealing with so I complain jokingly but it just shows how widespread the effect will be on everyone because of Sandy.
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Friday, October 12th, 2012
I am honored my husband named my DVD’s such an impressive title, kind of embarrassing though : )
The 3rd volume just came out and I am really proud of this one. It has my favorite scene from my birthday where I dressed up like a crazy little girl, sort of has a “What happened to Baby Jane” kind of craziness to it.
God I love that movie. In fact, it was on last night after the Vice Presidential Debate. I try not to mix business with politics but I thought Biden did a great job. For those of you that enjoy porn and you are voting Republican, your choice wants to outlaw abortion. You think they aren’t going to go on the attack against porn producers like me? Something to think about on election day.
Posted in Announcements & Changes, feelings and thoughts | Comments Off on World Famous Tits!
Tuesday, September 18th, 2012
Then again, look at those giant tits, I misspoke about the description of “little”. Geez, looks they are going to jump up and eat my face. I played a street hooker on Friday night. Literally I was downtown at 1:00 in the morning walking up to a junky car and getting inside just like the hooka I am! The shoot went well but it was a late night. The next morning I felt like a haggard whore. I went to bed around 3:00 AM. The next day I had to return my junky car. I rented it from a place called “Rent a Wreck” and I loved driving it around. It had dents and a missing hubcap but man it drove great and the A/C working awesome! The seats were fabric so when it was 109 degrees I could actually sit down to drive instead of having the black leather burn my hide. I was really sad when I returned my mature but beautiful Ford Taurus. I cried a little tear as I drove off.
Posted in feelings and thoughts, Personal Photo & Video Shoots | Comments Off on Slutty little whore…
Sunday, July 29th, 2012
OK, what up with that font they are using? Does it look strange to you or is just me? Is it a Stonehenge reference? I saw 1/2 of opening ceremonies, I forgot to tape it so I got in on the athletes entering the arena. I watched the swimming and gymnastics last night and yesterday watched the bike race while setting up the shoot area for a pornfidelity.com scene. A little work and a little play is always a good mix. I always hate getting so addicted to the games and then when they are over I feel such a sense of loss. Then again, I’m a dork 🙂
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Thursday, June 28th, 2012
I have been doing so much paperwork and scheduling a surgery and doing lab tests on my dog and myself and running myself ragged. I just got back from the doggy cancer hospital. My baby Trey had to have surgery to remove some cancerous tumors. I swear this is the last time I am cutting into this old dog.
I can’t wait to bring him home tomorrow. I swear this dog has 9 lives like a cat. He is such a trooper. He should be healed from his sutures in a few weeks but until then he is to stay inside the house. Looks like I’m going to have to spend some quality rest time with him. I need it too. I haven’t been feeling well and I had a bunch of tests run but come to find out, I’m OK after all. I just have Adrenal Fatigue. I guess I can’t run on all engines like I’m used to. Time for me to take care of myself and take care of my dog. I have been ordered by tmy doctor to get massages, do yoga and to stay away from caffeine and trying to be super woman all the time. The good news I have some incredible help now. Cathy is back to work after a year of being off for knee surgery and I hired the most amazing hair dresser and stylist. Carissa is awesome and so smart and creative and friendly. I needed a breath of fresh air and she is definitely it. I can take some more time for myself now so I have no excuses! I am going to work on myself in July and August and get myself back in shape physically, emotionally and mentally. Way long overdue…
Posted in feelings and thoughts, Pet Stories | Comments Off on Sorry for my abscence…
Sunday, June 3rd, 2012
What up with the “Bath Salts” and why is this drug making people eat other people? So gross! Obviously the drug should be avoided at all costs. Come on, a good hallucination or high is one thing and to each his own but geez, why take a drug that is going to cause you to eat raw human flesh? You would think it would taste better grilled or something! I am inspired to do a zombie scene for my site. I think the “dead” Nurse Kelly might have some Zombie moves up her sleeve…
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