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Archive for August, 2014

47 today

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014


I made it to 47 despite my attempts at living life to it’s fullest with all the vices one can fit into a 32 year time frame, from my teenage years to present. I have to admit I’m pretty healthy and getting older hasn’t slowed me down. I would like to announce that today is not only my birthday, but National Dog Day, apropo I thought since my dogs do mean a lot to me. So “Here’s to me and the dogs, may we all have a day where we get to go on a walk, drink lots of water, avoid biting when a growl will do, accept all of life’s treats with gratitude and most importantly, love unconditionally!”


Thanks for all the b-day tweets and emails. Love you guys!

OK not hating the world, God, life, or myself at the moment…

Sunday, August 24th, 2014


Well, at least not at THIS moment. Fuck I have been in the WORST mood lately. Ever since I got the call from my indiscernible sister 2 weeks ago this Tuesday that I received while she was having her seizure and she could barely speak and it scared the shit out of me, I have been so miserable. I drove out to pick her up from the hospital and I also picked up all her new MRI’s and CT scans to compare them with the PET scans done earlier in April and yep, just what I didn’t want to be true, seems the cancer has spread to her brain. Fuck fuck fuck. She has been to a new neurologist who confirmed our biggest fears and with the combine group efforts of her OBGYN oncologist and her new medical oncologist that I am taking her to this Friday, we will determine wether she is to under go radiation therapy along with a new round of chemo or just radiation. Bizzare news is that she believed my happy positive bullshit and her attitude is fantastic! She even went back to work and seems to be filled with new ambition and vigor at continuing the fight. I am so thrilled about that. I was falling apart inside but as usual I put up my tough as nails asshole motivating exterior and it paid off. I am so proud of her.

Meanwhile I’ve been a mess inside. Thank you to all of you that have sent the kindest emails and messages. I really do appreciate it and it helped me from literally not offing myself this past week. OK, maybe I’m being a bit dramatic but I have also, embarassing as it is to admit to the world, been feeling sorry for myself because I’m turning 47 on Tuesday. I know, how superficial and insignificant considering what my poor sister is going through trying to fight for her life but I have been a bit pity party-ish. I’m not even vain but getting older bums me out a little bit. Even when I was young I didn’t like to celebrate my birthday so it isn’t just an age thing, I just really don’t like the attention. As ironic as that sounds with me being an adult performer, it is true. Poor Ryan has to always put up with me being negative about my birthday and he is the kindest most romantic and thoughtful man and I have a way just squashing his efforts. I do love his ever positive attitude that “someday” I’ll enjoy celebrating my birthday.

To turn things around I shot 2 videos for my site yesterday and I approached the day with a positive outlook and I had one of the best production working days that I have had in months. I did 2 scenes and did several Polaroids for the bra and panty sets that I’ve sold recently.


I had fun, I felt good, I felt healthy and alive and things are really turning around for me in so many areas I have little to no room to be sad about anything. Even my sister’s condition isn’t dire and I’m not going to shed another tear until I have proof that her treatments aren’t working. So there! I may even celebrate my birthday, OK, maybe that’s going a bit too far. Maybe a movie and dinner with Ryan, we’ll see. I usually go to Mammoth Lakes for my birthday with the dogs and Ryan so it isn’t just about “me” but more so a family vacation for all to enjoy, but with all the medical hullabaloo going on and also I’m in the middle of selling a property rental in Texas that is problematic, I postponed my trip.

So with all that said, this should be an eventful week. Monday I should be closing on the Texas house, my birthday is on Tuesday, we have 2 shoots scheduled this week for and, I am driving out to Vegas to take my sister to the doctor on Friday, and I am having a big company pool and barbecue party on Sunday. Madness as usual here at Kelly Madison Media, hey, I wouldn’t have it any other way : )


Does life always have to be so painful?

Wednesday, August 13th, 2014

I know I act a lot like everything is so fucking great but not tonight. Tonight my sister who recently survived cancer had a stroke. My eldest sister is with her at the hospital right now and I’ll be driving out tomorrow to Vegas. I can’t believe it has been to the day exactly 13 years since my Mother passed and I’m still getting over the loss of her. Tonight I received a text and a photo from my sister Judi updating me of Cheryl’s condition and the photo of Cheryl in her hospital bed sleeping looks just like our Mom. I’m scared, I’m worried, and dealing with a sick person is so hard to do, not in the physical realm or having to do things for someone, but it is just such an emotional drain. I took care of my sick Mother for years, then a sick dog for years, and this past year my very very sick sister. Ryan and I just took his grandparents out to dinner last night and got an update on all their ailments and I ordered some holistic products for them just this morning. I really don’t mind being a caretaker, I feel like I have been one all my life but the pain and fear of loss sucks. So for those out there who do what I do and care for others I feel your pain as I’m sure you do mine. I find my greatest strength usually in these difficult times but a few tears get shed as well. Thanks for the continual support.

Time to brag to you…

Sunday, August 3rd, 2014

OK, maybe not brag exactly but announce to you the arrival of porn from me to you. Does that send better? I would like to announce a few fun updates on my site if you happened to have missed them in your busy summer season, even with all the fun outdoor distractions, don’t forget to check out all the porn I have made for you with love! So here’s what’s been happening in my world…


Me As the “Boss Lady”, which indeed I am but spoiler alert, I don’t always look like that when working in my office, hence the reason why I don’t have 24 live cams up in my house : O


Me sticking it to myself in “Clear Penetration”.


Me again playing with the hose outside like a little kid, thing was, I didn’t have these big tities to play with when I was young. In fact, a few years ago they weren’t even this big! WTF? Are they ever going to stop growing????


And me playing Big Girl in a Big Big City with a Big Big Big cock ravaging me, uh, can’t see all that action from just this one photo, but go inside
to see all Big Big Action!

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