OK, maybe not brag exactly but announce to you the arrival of porn from me to you. Does that send better? I would like to announce a few fun updates on my site if you happened to have missed them in your busy summer season, even with all the fun outdoor distractions, don’t forget to check out all the porn I have made for you with love! So here’s what’s been happening in my world…
Me As the “Boss Lady”, which indeed I am but spoiler alert, I don’t always look like that when working in my office, hence the reason why I don’t have 24 live cams up in my house : O
Me sticking it to myself in “Clear Penetration”.
Me again playing with the hose outside like a little kid, thing was, I didn’t have these big tities to play with when I was young. In fact, a few years ago they weren’t even this big! WTF? Are they ever going to stop growing????
And me playing Big Girl in a Big Big City with a Big Big Big cock ravaging me, uh, can’t see all that action from just this one photo, but go inside kellymadison.com
to see all Big Big Action!