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Archive for the ‘Pornfidelity Shoots’ Category

More homeless fun

Saturday, May 29th, 2010

How do you like the horny but homeless girl’s toothbrush we made for her? I had to try it out for myself. Works good…


Brusha brusha brusha!

Dirty Homeless Porn

Friday, May 28th, 2010


OK, I donate a lot of money to the homeless so why not fuck a bum, right? Here’s a hot little number that was down and out but was willing to “put out” for some food. Sex for food is a good motto. I’ll have sex for free…
For more homeless porn, check out on June 18th. You won’t look at a homeless person the same again!

Just got back from Sushi

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010


Tanner was a great shoot tonight. After her hot and steamy shower with my husband (while she was telling him the entire time in his ear how she was going to eat my asshole over and over again), she came out of the shower and did exactly what she promised him. She ate my ass, she ate my pussy and she was all over me. Fuck, it was nice. I just love those attenative younger girls. They are so good to me.

I went to sushi with the boys (wearing no bra out in public!) and took the dogs to a new park and now me and my big saggy titties need to get to bed early. Only 2 shoots down this weekend and 1 to go tomorrow.

Hard working lady

Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

I did a shoot last night that I have NEVER done before for and the last time I did what I did last night was like 7 years ago for and I only did it once! I am so excited to post it on the site. It goes up in 2 weeks. I’m getting nastier as I get older!

I am shooting a hot little teen girl today. She is just the cutest thing. My husband is in the shower with her having sex for the intro of the video. Yes, I’m blogging while he’s fucking a hot girl in my shower, I know, he is the luckiest man alive, don’t you know it.


I took a photo of myself, just my way of saying “hi”. I’ll post a few photos of my shoots from this weekend later on in the week. Wow, do I have some high hair going on. I get bored and I like to change my hairstyle now and then. Hope it looks better on video than it does on my iphone 🙂

Get Jiggy with it!

Friday, May 14th, 2010


Or should I say, get Crimpy with it. I was all crimped out last weekend. You’ll see more of my curly bob on next week’s pornfidelity. The shoot actually went very well. We did a outdoor “Spa” look to the fuck set. We got kinky outdoors and I’m not referring to my hair…

Mama’s Day

Sunday, May 9th, 2010


Happy Mother’s Day to all you Mamas and thank you to all my fans that sent me Mother’s Day greetings. I don’t have children but I am a mama to 2 cute doggies. Guess what they gave me for Mother’s Day? Dog Hair and lots of it! My dogs shed so much that I don’t have dust bunnies in my house, I have Dust Fucking Rabbits. They look like grayish tan colored raccoons to be exact hiding underneath my dining table on my marble floor. Dog hair is just the gift that keeps on giving. Here are some photos of my little fur balls. I love them, hair and all…



If you want to see what their Mama has been up to, check out the free trailer at I have been a nasty mama, very, very nasty, see for yourself!


Weekend Shenanigans

Monday, April 26th, 2010

OMG, what a crazy couple of days. Saturday I shot with the lovely Tanya Tate and we were dressed up as business women, you know, we were ready for our business women’s luncheon, and we were doing the “pick up” for the shoot when all of a sudden an opportunity arrived which enabled us to shoot all the beginning scenes in a really nice office building. We had fun making out in the elevator together and in the men’s bathroom, thank god it was clean!
Then we shot for and I did a little diddy for Cinco de Mayo. It goes up on the 4th but here’s a peak. WTF, right?
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We topped off the weekend with a run to the Sushi restaurant and a good long dog walk at the park. It was a busy weekend but I always feel good when we get a lot of stuff done.

Happy Saturday

Saturday, April 10th, 2010

Here it is Saturday night and I am sitting on the computer in my sweats with my dogs sleeping at my feet. I am one partay animal!

I just got done doing all my “to do” lists not only for myself but for my employees. Yeah, they just love that shit. Writing everything out is a job in itself! I am leaving Monday morning for Cabo and I admit that I am reluctant to go due to all the endeavors I am right smack in the middle of. Geez, life will have to be on hold while I bask in the sunshine and ride a horse along the beach and go snorkeling and surfing. Easier said than done. To make myself feel busy, and less guilty, I have planned excursions for every day we are there. Ryan wants to know if it will even BE a vacation. Oh well, I am a plan-aholic. I like to plan shit, hey, I’m a Virgo. I can’t help it if he is a “fly by the seat of his pants” Sagittarius. I know, match made in heaven!

It is 4.13 on Tuesday which happens to not only be the name of our parent company but our wedding anniversary.DSC01201

Yes, I will be on a horse on a long stretch of Baja California beach riding alongside my husband that I madly adore even if he hates to plan stuff. I told him horseback riding is what I wanted to do on our anniversary and so it is done. Hee hee. We will be in Cabo with family and friends but the horse ride is just for us. We just don’t go very many places alone, we always plan to be by ourselves but then we open our big mouths and…

Tomorrow I shoot a scene for before I leave. I must have brand new content for you to go up on the site while I am gone 🙂

I also must tell you that my dog Trey is doing much better. We have been able to decrease his prescription and he has stopped losing weight. He actually gained 1 pound back last week. He is still really weak but all his blood tests have come back OK. I still don’t know what caused his immune system to behave in such a way. He has stopped destroying his own platelets but I am worried that if I stop giving him the Prednisone entirely his symptoms will return. Believe me, the last thing I want to do right now is to leave my dog. If he wasn’t gaining weight and his blood work came back fine I wouldn’t. I am leaving him with my sister who is even a bigger worry wort than I am. She will be staying with him and she knows all his vets and she is the next best thing to me when it comes to caring for my dogs. I love my sister 🙂

OK, don’t hate me but I will probably be running around on Sunday like a chicken with it’s head cut off so I might not get to blog and I may not be able to while I am gone. I will have enough time to post a pic from the shoot on Sunday and to say “hi” but that’s about it. I still have hundreds of photos to go through before I leave at it is 11:00PM right now and I must get up early to shoot and I still haven’t packed. Fuck me. I love being busy, don’t let the complaining I do all the time fool you. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am blessed that I get to vacation with family and friends this week and I am blessed that our employees, especially our newest one, Marc, are all doing so great. I hope you enjoy the latest crazy updates on and the even crazier fucked up make-up scenes on I told Kip and Ryan that we have really gone entirely crazy with the black eyeliner shit. We might just be creating a new look for ourselves. See for yourself:

Can you tell which one is Dylan Ryder and which one is Sadie West? main-1main-2-1

It is kinda like Marilyn Manson meets Kelly Madison Productions. The only thing I recognize is my giant tit. Hey, we gotta give you new stuff now and then 🙂

That is it for now, I have to go through these photos and get them ready for Ryan or the marriage ends tomorrow and that can’t happen because I really want to see what he got me for our anniversary. He told me I had to open it before we leave. Actually, I don’t care about gifts. He is always the big gift giver which I am grateful for but I am really simple. He shops at Gucci and I shop at Target. He drives a brand new Cadillac Escalade Hybrid and I drive an old Dodge truck. We are indeed a match made in heaven, though.

Hoppity Happy Easter

Sunday, April 4th, 2010


Happy Easter Everyone! This year I unfortunately don’t have Ryan dressed up as the Easter Bunny. Usually he dons a costume and hops around and we cut a hole in the costume for his cock and the poor dear wears that big hot head for almost the entire sex scene each year but this year he gave it a rest. I love seeing him in it so I thought I would share a few photos from the past Easter updates on and

Wow, look how dark my hair is. Sorry for the crappy photos but they are old school video captures from a livecam show I did way back when. What a goofy looking rabbit 🙂

This is a much better looking costume. We used it for both the KM and the PF shoots. Ryan was a nasty rabbit with me here. He was portraying the Easter Bunny at the mall where you take pictures. I got more than a Polaroid! I also got kicked out of the mall for shooting video of the so called “real” Easter Bunny. I guess the mall doesn’t like video cameras. Oh well, it was a good chase through the parking lot!

Ryan and I expanded on this idea and I played his bunny assistant. Ryan played a “Bad Bunny” with a fowl mouth, smelly cigar, whiskey breath and pussy on his mind and we lured in a young hot girl to play bunny games with!

Another year, another PF shoot with Ryan in costume. This time I convince him to interrupt mine and my girlfriend’s Easter brunch with something else we could snack on. I knew she was a bit ditzy and would believe it was real. Real good. What was even funner was the ring toss game. She won so she got the big prize…

This is from last year’s scene. I liked playing with Ryan’s big rifle!

Have a wonderful holiday and take care.


Kelly Madison aka Elmer Fudd

Here’s a mutha fuckin Milf for ya!

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

Don’t ask, don’t tell on this baby shit. Just appreciate the moment. It was fleeting. I did get a lot of attention at Walmart. Nothing like picking up a girl for at Walmart wiht a baby stroller.

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