Archive for the ‘feelings and thoughts’ Category
Sunday, March 22nd, 2015
To say my sister lived life to the fullest is an understatement. Cheryl Baldwin had a personality and wit and gift for bringing joy to others like no one I have ever known. She was always the one who wanted a party, wanted to bring cheer and give gifts, wanted to be the helper and savior to all those she loved, and at the end, we just couldn’t save her no matter how hard we tried or how hard we loved her.
The support and love of my family got me through all this, especially my sister Judi. Cheryl had been hospitalized or in a group home under hospice care for over 5 months which can put a strain on any family, and with the care falling mainly on my sister Judi, it was no easy task.
Cheryl’s friends also came to not only her aid, but to mine as well. Even in her passing, the most beautiful words of comfort came from her dear friend Jim and his forwarding of messages from friends of theirs.
“The residual of Cheryl’s being will linger throughout our memories. Her spirit is now free, not bound by space or time any longer, and now resides in a place of peace that surpasses our understanding.”
As I was there with her on her last day March 17th, alone in her room. I played Fleetwood Mac and Eagles and our favorites from when we were young. She couldn’t speak that day but lay there with her eyes closed. I knew she could hear me and every once in awhile squeezed my hand. I played the music loud in order to drown out the annoying sound of the her oxygen machine. I sang to her, I cried to her and said everything in the world I could ever want to communicate to my dear sister. I told Jim what I was doing and he was so supportive, he sent me the words to an Eagles song. Cheryl and Jim attended an Eagles concert together back in 1976 which was one of my sister’s fondest memories.
“I wish you peace when times are hard.
A light to guide you through the dark.
And when storms are high and your dreams are low,
I wish you the strength to grown on,
I wish you the strength to let love flow…”
I am so thankful not only for all the love and support of all those that cared for her but for the gift of how she passed. I had left to go eat around 7PM on Tuesday, letting her ex Marc have some precious moments alone with her. After he left my sister Judi and I got a call from the home alerting us to fact that her breathing had changed dramatically. The two of us rushed over and we held her hands, spoke to her and told her how much we loved her. Then amazingly, after over 24 hours of not moving or even opening her eyes, her eyes opened wide and she turned to look at Judi and then turned to me and kept her glaze on me for quite a while and then once again turned to Judi and then peacefully closed her eyes, her breathing became soft and a look of peace came upon her for the first time and then she gently slipped away as a tear fell from her right eye.
Good bye my beautiful sister. You just lived life TOO big, TOO fast, TOO much, so therefore you used up all the energy allotted for one life and so you had to leave me TOO soon. I love you Cheryl.
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Sunday, March 15th, 2015
So I am alive and well, actually doing quite well and recovering from my severe exhaustion I suffered a week ago. It all sort of hit me on a physical and emotional level with everything going on. But me, personally I am doing great now and ready to be a part of the living again, I have been so consumed with my dying sister there is little laughter and love and happiness in my soul lately and I appreciate everyone’s patience with me.
Bad news first, my sister has been hospitalized unable to get out of bed now since October 22nd of 2014. She is now in a wonderful Group Home and being taken care of by an equally wonderful Hospice center who is taking care of all her medical needs. I never knew finding a good place for a loved one could be so difficult and so expensive. Thank god my schedule is flexible and I make good money, how do other people do it? My Mother was ill but even with my meager earnings back in the day she was much easier to care for. My sister is a 24/7 job. My sister Judi visits her daily after working a long day and the only break she gets is when my sister’s ex visits her which he does on Sundays and Tuesdays and she gets a break of course when I am in town. I’m afraid I’m going to lose two sisters if this keeps up.
Great news next, all is going well in my personal life. My dogs are great, my husband fabulous, my business flowing along splendidly and things are all coming together quite nicely. I just need some time to take care of myself which of course I find difficult to do. I plan on going out to Vegas this coming week, sadly it might be my last time with Cheryl because of her declining health, but I will be able to spend some much needed time with my niece’s son. He is going to be 4 this July and I haven’t been able to be there for him or for my niece Amanda these past few years. It has all been about Cheryl and I need to start focusing on the living and my future with my family. We are at the end of the day, all we have. So I am going to repair the relationship I have with myself and start taking care of me and extending out a helping hand to my lovely niece and her adorable son.
As far as what is going on sexy wise in my life, well, I have been doing some shoots for my site and keeping that active. We have been doing some amateur travel stuff along with a few 4K scenes and I plan on doing some more 4K stuff this month. I have a long overdue 1000th scene to film and I got a wonderful offer from a secret person to participate in it with me. That really made me happy. She happens to not only be a past lover, but a friend! A great friend who I never get to spend any time with. So I better take her up on her offer and fast!
I haven’t blogged in so long and I am such a bad bad girl. Well here are some photos from my recent website entries. I may not be the best “blogger” but I am a very good web girl and I never fail at updating my site every week with new content and I have been doing it for almost 15 years now.
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Thursday, November 27th, 2014
I know it may seem odd that I am so happy and hopeful and full of gratitude at the same time I am going through the pain of acknowledging that I am losing my sister Cheryl but I truly am. I am so grateful for the all the kind and caring people and the compassion I have learned through this whole experience. My sister is a joyful and fun person and she loves to laugh, even when I can barely understand what she is saying sitting beside her hospital bed she brings a smile to my face. She cracks jokes, makes fun of the nurses, and I am going to miss that the most. 3 days ago she seemed to just be going downhill and then we found out she has a blood clot in her leg so I prepared a meeting with a hospice facility yesterday. But then when I saw my sister upon my arrival to Vegas yesterday afternoon she was speaking clearly, holding a conversation, participating in her occupational therapy, doing her respiratory therapy and I think “showing off” for me. Now hospice is on hold and I want to figure out the best care possible and the right treatment and environment that is best for her in this precarious time. She cried a few tears when I told her it was Thanksgiving the next day and she wasn’t well enough for me to transport her home as I had originally planned and it broke my heart to see her disappointment but Ryan is flying in today, my niece drove in late last night from San Diego and we all taking turns spending the day with her. My eldest sister Judi is having Thanksgiving at her house so we are taking food to Cheryl and I might even sneak in some wine. Hey, it’s a holiday.
So sorry to be a Debbie Downer on this beautiful holiday but I am really OK. I feel centered and I know what I am supposed to be doing and I am learning more how to be the person I have always aspired to be. I am thankful for all the members of my sites who continue to show loyalty and respect even in a world of stolen free porn, I am thankful for all the kind individuals in this industry, and to my friends, employees, and family who have all helped me out this year and enabled me to be there so much for my sister. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I’m off to the hospital and then the airport and then to my sister Judi’s house and then back to the hospital. May your travels today wherever you spend your holiday be safe and remember to tell everyone you love today how you feel. You never know how long you are going to have them in your life.
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Sunday, November 9th, 2014
Sounds like a theme for a Born Again, but no. I am just trying to find my True Self’s way in this turbulent world I have found myself in. I have been gone 4 out of 7 days each week in October and the first week of November taking care of my sister. I helped her with her full cranial radiation and round 2 of her chemo treatments when on Tuesday October 14th shortly after I arrived in Vegas to take care of her she fell to the floor. I lifted her up and checked on her every hour on the hour until in the morning after calling her oncologist we decided to take her into the emergency room. 18 days later and numerous tests including a spinal tap and it has been determined that my sister has a brain infection. She is being treated with IV antibiotics and in a day or so we should be finally moving her to a rehab facility within the hospital in order to get her up and walking which she hasn’t done since that fateful day.
Also, we are also losing a cherished member of our team who is moving on and my husband has yet to find a replacement, instead, the talented and passionate man of mine is going to take on the task as also being our main editor of our movies. He truly is a Renaissance man and can do it all, I just wonder if working 7 days a week is a healthy choice for him but he is stubborn and determined and smart so I know he knows what is best for him. His choices have always been wise in the past.
With all this going on and taking on the task as my sister’s Power of Attorney and taking on not only her medical needs but her financial needs and her insurance issues and trying to assist Ryan in any way that I can I have also brought my sister’s dog home. Oh yeah, I also did 2 KM shoots yesterday and today on Sunday I am preparing for one teenfidelity shoot this week and 2 pornfidelity shoots and my accountant is revising our last 2 year’s taxes this week along with my assistance. Yep, and a dog too? Am I crazy? That’s OK, I have found that I have abilities to juggle many things at one time and it hasn’t put me in the asylum yet. I have faith that this is all going to be OK.
That brings me to the meditation. Thank you universe for providing me Deepak Chopra whom I have learned from since the early 90’s to come back into my life again by way of free daily meditations online. This could not have presented itself to me at a better time. I have found my emotional and spiritual salvation at a time when I should virtually be freaking out.
So to find one’s peace and way through the harshest times is so transforming. I have so much to be grateful for and to work with my husband yesterday was so fulfilling. We came home and made dinner and we just couldn’t have been more attracted to each other if we tried. After 15 years we acted like we had just started dating. I couldn’t have asked for a better “welcome home” than that!
I did come home last week for a few days and attended a wedding on Halloween. It was a full costume attendance and Ryan and I were happy to adorn our Halloween best. We also took a family photo before leaving as well as stayed at a hotel nearby the reception and shot a video. Somehow we always fit in a bit of work in all our play.
No matter what is going on or how busy I get I never fail to give the members of my site a weekly update that I try to put all my heart and soul into because I have the best members in the world and I would hate to let them down. Here are some samples of some of the updates since I last checked in:
I will hopefully be home for a few days this week and I appreciate everyone’s well wishes regarding my sister. I’ll check in next Sunday!
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Tuesday, August 26th, 2014
I made it to 47 despite my attempts at living life to it’s fullest with all the vices one can fit into a 32 year time frame, from my teenage years to present. I have to admit I’m pretty healthy and getting older hasn’t slowed me down. I would like to announce that today is not only my birthday, but National Dog Day, apropo I thought since my dogs do mean a lot to me. So “Here’s to me and the dogs, may we all have a day where we get to go on a walk, drink lots of water, avoid biting when a growl will do, accept all of life’s treats with gratitude and most importantly, love unconditionally!”
Thanks for all the b-day tweets and emails. Love you guys!
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Sunday, August 24th, 2014
Well, at least not at THIS moment. Fuck I have been in the WORST mood lately. Ever since I got the call from my indiscernible sister 2 weeks ago this Tuesday that I received while she was having her seizure and she could barely speak and it scared the shit out of me, I have been so miserable. I drove out to pick her up from the hospital and I also picked up all her new MRI’s and CT scans to compare them with the PET scans done earlier in April and yep, just what I didn’t want to be true, seems the cancer has spread to her brain. Fuck fuck fuck. She has been to a new neurologist who confirmed our biggest fears and with the combine group efforts of her OBGYN oncologist and her new medical oncologist that I am taking her to this Friday, we will determine wether she is to under go radiation therapy along with a new round of chemo or just radiation. Bizzare news is that she believed my happy positive bullshit and her attitude is fantastic! She even went back to work and seems to be filled with new ambition and vigor at continuing the fight. I am so thrilled about that. I was falling apart inside but as usual I put up my tough as nails asshole motivating exterior and it paid off. I am so proud of her.
Meanwhile I’ve been a mess inside. Thank you to all of you that have sent the kindest emails and messages. I really do appreciate it and it helped me from literally not offing myself this past week. OK, maybe I’m being a bit dramatic but I have also, embarassing as it is to admit to the world, been feeling sorry for myself because I’m turning 47 on Tuesday. I know, how superficial and insignificant considering what my poor sister is going through trying to fight for her life but I have been a bit pity party-ish. I’m not even vain but getting older bums me out a little bit. Even when I was young I didn’t like to celebrate my birthday so it isn’t just an age thing, I just really don’t like the attention. As ironic as that sounds with me being an adult performer, it is true. Poor Ryan has to always put up with me being negative about my birthday and he is the kindest most romantic and thoughtful man and I have a way just squashing his efforts. I do love his ever positive attitude that “someday” I’ll enjoy celebrating my birthday.
To turn things around I shot 2 videos for my site yesterday and I approached the day with a positive outlook and I had one of the best production working days that I have had in months. I did 2 scenes and did several Polaroids for the bra and panty sets that I’ve sold recently.
I had fun, I felt good, I felt healthy and alive and things are really turning around for me in so many areas I have little to no room to be sad about anything. Even my sister’s condition isn’t dire and I’m not going to shed another tear until I have proof that her treatments aren’t working. So there! I may even celebrate my birthday, OK, maybe that’s going a bit too far. Maybe a movie and dinner with Ryan, we’ll see. I usually go to Mammoth Lakes for my birthday with the dogs and Ryan so it isn’t just about “me” but more so a family vacation for all to enjoy, but with all the medical hullabaloo going on and also I’m in the middle of selling a property rental in Texas that is problematic, I postponed my trip.
So with all that said, this should be an eventful week. Monday I should be closing on the Texas house, my birthday is on Tuesday, we have 2 shoots scheduled this week for pornfidelity.com and teenfidelity.com, I am driving out to Vegas to take my sister to the doctor on Friday, and I am having a big company pool and barbecue party on Sunday. Madness as usual here at Kelly Madison Media, hey, I wouldn’t have it any other way : )
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Wednesday, August 13th, 2014
I know I act a lot like everything is so fucking great but not tonight. Tonight my sister who recently survived cancer had a stroke. My eldest sister is with her at the hospital right now and I’ll be driving out tomorrow to Vegas. I can’t believe it has been to the day exactly 13 years since my Mother passed and I’m still getting over the loss of her. Tonight I received a text and a photo from my sister Judi updating me of Cheryl’s condition and the photo of Cheryl in her hospital bed sleeping looks just like our Mom. I’m scared, I’m worried, and dealing with a sick person is so hard to do, not in the physical realm or having to do things for someone, but it is just such an emotional drain. I took care of my sick Mother for years, then a sick dog for years, and this past year my very very sick sister. Ryan and I just took his grandparents out to dinner last night and got an update on all their ailments and I ordered some holistic products for them just this morning. I really don’t mind being a caretaker, I feel like I have been one all my life but the pain and fear of loss sucks. So for those out there who do what I do and care for others I feel your pain as I’m sure you do mine. I find my greatest strength usually in these difficult times but a few tears get shed as well. Thanks for the continual support.
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Thursday, July 31st, 2014
I feel I have not done enough, spoken loud enough, or ranted enough about this issue. The California legislation will decide this coming Monday on wether or not it will be illegal in the state of California to do a porn scene without a condom along with other ridiculous stipulations that are equivalent to wearing a hazmat suit with all the sexiness that entails. Our industry has testing protocols to ensure our safety and our self regulation has allowed for not a single on-set HIV exposure since 2004. Now the state wants to butt in where it doesn’t belong and this actually puts the porn community more at risk with forcing business out of state, with the possibility of this causing less control over our testing protocols, the ironic possibility of causing more STD’s with condom wear because of the excessive irritation it causes to sensitive skin exposing the performers to the likelihood of getting another sexually transmitted disease much easier, not to mention the stupidity on the state for driving yet another business out of a state that so desperately needs our tax dollars.
So please everyone in California who is in the porn industry, who knows and cares about someone in the porn industry, who watches porn, or whoever cares about the real safety of individuals, speak out. I know it’s a bit late, but better late than never.
I myself thought it would never get this far knowing the facts and knowing who was behind the bill. To my dismay, we are on the verge of losing the ability to work in California. I myself am fortunate as to already have the ability to run my business out of Las Vegas. But how sad, this is where I call home, this is where most of my employees call home. I retain 11 employees, 9 of which are here in California. What happens to them? What happens to their jobs? What happens to their healthcare and their 401K that I provide?
Hopefully there isn’t enough funding to approve the bill but alas, I still have my worries and so do a lot of people in our industry. I know there are those of you out there that see the safety in condom use and I also agree that condoms do save lives, the problem is the passing of the bill will not help people, it will just drive business out of California. So there, I said my piece.
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Sunday, June 15th, 2014
I lost my father to Alzheimer’s when I was only 22 but almost every day I think about how he loved me so much. So to those of you that have lost your dads remember the gifts and the love that they gave us that live on forever. And to those dads out there doing the beautiful work of raising children, you deserve a big “thank you” from all of us. Fathers that are present not only physically but emotionally help develop good people that end up doing good for others. So thanks!
My husband is the best doggy daddy ever. We also tend to parent some of our employees so thank you Ryan for being an upstanding individual who always cares about others and for your deep sense of responsibility for those in your life, I love you.
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Monday, May 12th, 2014
Thank you Mr. Peter Acworth of Kink.com for so accurately penning what all of us in the industry want to say to AIDS Healthcare Foundation President Michael Weinstein. To read the letter click here
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