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Archive for the ‘feelings and thoughts’ Category

I quit!

Friday, August 6th, 2010

No I’m not quitting porn or writing my stupid comments on my blog, I am quitting making dinner every single night for my husband and making him lunch everyday for him to take to the office. Geez, what does he think I am? A wife? I can’t wait to get back to shooting some porn for the next 3 days. I get to work with my legs up in the air, slaving over a hot cock instead of slaving over a hot stove. I admit, I do enjoy cooking but this domestic stuff gets old. I need to mix it up now and then with some fresh pussy and some titty romping action. Today I am working with bootilicious and adorable Alexis Texas.

Now that’s more like it!

Took a pic but…

Sunday, August 1st, 2010


I don’t know if I look good 🙂

These new glasses are sort of Clark Kent-like. They are men’s frames and I like them but I don’t know if I look that good in them. I shot some scenes yesterday for It was a really fun day, it was just me and “the girls” for most of the day. Kip did make-up and Pauline did my hair and we shot a scene on the stairs and one outside by the pool. It was still very warm out even at 6:00 PM last night but the lighting was still good so we went for it. I really do enjoy doing scenes for my personal site. I like dressing up and playing out my fantasies. I have received some excellent ideas from some members lately that I can’t wait to incorporate over the next 2 months of shooting. I got some bondage ideas, some naked on the beach ideas, and some other really nasty ones that should keep me on my toes. Please keep the ideas coming, just email me at so that I play out your fantasies.

Got my new glasses

Friday, July 30th, 2010

I know I am getting older when I have to finally break down and get real glasses. I have been wearing cheaters from Walgreen’s for the last 6 months and I was getting headaches this past month. I went to the Optometrist and got checked out. I guess I am far sighted with an astigmatism? Whatever. I now have bi-focals. Bi-focals! WTF! Those are for old people. Mine don’t have the funky line in the middle but I am not used to the difference in the lens from top to bottom. I almost fell while walking with them. I think they are too strong. I will test them out for a week and then see but I think they misdiagnosed me. I don’t think I am as blind as they made me out to be. That damn Dr. did the eye test so fast I had anxiety from it. Everything just looks too big. I don’t even want to look down at my chest!

(Picture of me with glasses to come!) I can’t post one yet cuz I look like shit right now and I’ll have to take a picture of myself later 🙂

Survival of the B-Day Bashes

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

I am officially done. I hit 2 birthday parties last night and then a late night snack at Denny’s. Oh what a night…

Today I am keeping it quiet and staying at home with the doggies while Ryan and Kip are golfing. My tongue hurts from my late night snack still. I ordered the new banana french toast at around 1:00 AM and it came out on a sizzling fajita type platter and I should have known by the mini pot holder on the end of the handle but noooo. I took a big bite and fuck me, out I spit the frenchie toast like it was a bad load of cum. Spat! Kip laughed at me and didn’t believe me. He then took a huge bite and burnt the shit out of the roof of his mouth! Too funny. We ended up not eating another bite. I see a law suit in my future 🙂

Memorial Day

Monday, May 31st, 2010

This has got to be the saddest photo. It pains me to see those coffins being flown home. I feel so badly for the families and friends of our fallen soldiers. I dearly hope the politicians decide quickly that our troops are not expendable and send everyone home soon. I know that is a far fetched fantasy but on a beautiful Memorial day like today it is difficult to comprehend the complexities and the reasoning of our country fighting over in Iraq. I have had a hard time with that particular war since the beginning. I send my love and gratitude and undying support to all our troops.

Jury duty on hold and indecency in court

Tuesday, May 18th, 2010


I had to call in Sunday night to see if I was lucky enough to serve on jury duty, right. I got all prepped so that I could go that next morning and then the message when I called in was “We don’t need you on Monday, try again tomorrow after 6:30 PM”. Geez what a hassle. I got a reprieve which made me very happy so I shouldn’t complain. I called in again on Monday night and was told to call back tomorrow. I just called again tonight and nope, court is closed on Wednesdays, I have to call in tomorrow night to see if Thursday is my lucky day. If I do have to show up, I am wearing a really sexy and revealing dress and I am going to tell the judge that I am unable to serve my duty at this time because I am a “Pornogrpher” and my company depends on me working each and every day. People are depending on my ability to get naked and to get naked often. Do you think this will work?

Mama’s Day

Sunday, May 9th, 2010


Happy Mother’s Day to all you Mamas and thank you to all my fans that sent me Mother’s Day greetings. I don’t have children but I am a mama to 2 cute doggies. Guess what they gave me for Mother’s Day? Dog Hair and lots of it! My dogs shed so much that I don’t have dust bunnies in my house, I have Dust Fucking Rabbits. They look like grayish tan colored raccoons to be exact hiding underneath my dining table on my marble floor. Dog hair is just the gift that keeps on giving. Here are some photos of my little fur balls. I love them, hair and all…



If you want to see what their Mama has been up to, check out the free trailer at I have been a nasty mama, very, very nasty, see for yourself!


This month it is either me or Trey

Thursday, April 29th, 2010

Fuck me, I am so sick of being sick. It started with my dog, he got dangerously ill then I got stressed out and got a really bad cold that went to my chest which is scary cuz you’ve seen how big my chest is. Then I started to feel better for like a day and then I fell in the shower and threw my lower back out. Then Trey gets better and my back feels better for almost one day and then my neck goes out. Meanwhile I have been having intestinal trouble. Two days ago I have come down with something that is attacking my throat. Oh well, no blow jobs for Ryan! But seriously, April has sucked ass health wise for me. I am now drinking these vegetable smoothies instead of Light beer, taking shots of Echinacia drops under my tongue instead of Tequila, and doing what I call “poop lab” at home and taking in loads of samples to my doctor, no pun intended. OK, more information than you ever needed to know but gosh I feel shitty. My dog is now doing great and we are going for walks but I am the one that is lagging. I have today and tomorrow to feel better and then I have 2 days of shooting for to do. That puts me in a good mood and hopefully thoughts are things and I will be feeling fine by Saturday afternoon. We’ll see, if not, next week’s update might just be Ryan and Kip filming my dogs playing in the yard 🙂

All is well in the Madison home

Thursday, March 25th, 2010

Thank goodness my baby dog is OK. I haven’t let on but for over a week now I have been on death watch for my dog Trey. He was diagnosed with severe low platelet count after I noticed his gums bleeding a couple days in a row. I was instructed to not let him lay down on any hard surfaces or even go for a walk. He was to remain in bed. I had to give him only soft food and within a week my dog lost 6 pounds that he didn’t need to lose. His muscle is being wasted away by Prednisone which he needs in order to get his platelets back up. If the prednisone didn’t work, we would have to investigate if it was cancer, probably leukemia. I have been a mess. I haven’t really slept all week, my face broke out, I cried, and most of all, I babied the heck out of my dog. Both Ryan and I have been spending all day and night with the big guy. I just got back from the vet and his numbers are up so it isn’t cancer. We don’t know what caused this autoimmune response in him but he is getting better and I can reduce his meds. I feel like a new person. My dogs are my kids and Trey is turning 10 on April 21st. I am just not ready to let him go just yet, I told him he had to give me at least 3 more years. He’s doing better so I guess he listened 🙂

Got sick :(

Monday, March 8th, 2010

Yep I finished shooting late on Monday and got a stomach sickness on Tuesday morning. Don’t know what it was (could be the live shrimp I ate at sushi that night) but I was hating it all week. I feel fabulous now and I am off go finish taxes with my accountant in LA. I am heading up there with Kip so he can do his as well and don’t hate us if we end up shopping and going out to eat after wards! The Oscars were great last night but I am so pissed I didn’t bet on the awards. I got all 6 major nominations correct, damn it.

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