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Archive for May, 2013

For Memorial Day…

Monday, May 27th, 2013

I would just like to say as a Proud American that I am so very thankful to the men and women who put their lives as risk for my personal freedoms. I would not be able to have the life I live without them. Now, with our military budget not only at number one in the world but an amount which exceeds that of the the 13 countries COMBINED on the list below us, why the hell aren’t we taking better care of our Veterans? They should not want for a single medical need, disability payments or anything else that is deserving to them and we should welcome our Vets home with good paying jobs and a whole long list of benefits to repay their nationalism and patriotism. So, I give my love and thanks and I address the rest of us to speak out and demand more for our military veterans. Memorial Day is one day in our calendar year that we usually just take the paid day off to drink beer and cook some hot dogs. Let’s make it the first of 365 days that we demand better treatment for our veterans.

All My Love To Those That Have Served,

Kelly Madison

Men’s Health and hand healing…

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

Woo hoo, I got interviewed by Men’ Health Magazine online. The article is about what are you doing for Summer Vacation. Here’s the link to check it out, I’m #31.

And after working on Sunday Ryan and I were walking around our property checking out all the new spring growth and a bee must have attached itself on to my fuzzy robe and as I got some water out of the frig in my kitchen a bee jumped off my robe and flew at my hand and as I swiped it away it stung me between my index and middle finger. We pulled out the huge stinger but not before it pumped a load of it’s poison in to me. I’m allergic to bees come to find out, thank god not the deathly type of allergy but a site allergy. My hand hurt and swelled up and turned my fingers black and blue and my wrist and lower arm swelled up too. It kept getting bigger and bigger instead of getting better even with taking 2 benedryl’s 3 times a day. The skin started to ulcerate so I went to the doctor’s and got some steroids and some ant-itch cream and a Tetanus shot. My hand is now healing but I’ve got dead arm. Typing has been a bitch. I’ve been the one handed bandit the last 3 days. Here is a shot of my hand from yesterday. I swear the photo looks way better than it did in real life.

I certainly won’t be hand modeling any time soon, or any hand jobs for that matter. I guess you only need one hand for a hand job but my right one is too tired from doing the work for both!

Feeling Blue?

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

I am feeling a bit blue today. Maybe not in mood but in dress!

I wish everyone well this Sunday. I had a a very busy week, but then again that is nothing new. I took Tommy and Trey to a Dermatologist on Tuesday and finally got something to heal up Trey’s radiation burn that still wasn’t healed since the end of December and found out that Tommy may have discoid lupus but it is inconclusive until we do a biopsy on his nose – OUCH! With that said, I had a lot of work to do on a new company I am working on and setting up for 3 production shoots this week. I also bought a new computer, a new iphone, a new ipad and took my old imac in for repair so lots of new technology and change has gone on this week and I’m still trying to get used to it all. I hate change. I would still be using my old computer and software from 14 years ago if my husband didn’t kick me in the ass every few years and force me to upgrade. I am soooo not cutting edge. I’m more like a butter knife : )

Today we are shooting a scene. We don’t usually work on Sundays but our lovely model had to cancel Thursday and re-schedule so now here we all are working today on set. Even my office manager came in to do some accounting work. I am going to finish up here early and take the dogs to go get mani pedis and then work on the computer some more. I think I need a day off soon, Mother’s day was fine last week but it was effort and travel and yes indeed fun but it’s not like staying at home and relaxing. I haven’t spent a day at home just chillin’ in so long I can’t remember. One thing about having your own business or in my case businesses is that there is ALWAYS something to do. I feel guilty if I’m not getting my tasks accomplished so even resting sort of gives me guilt. I know a lot of you out there are like me. It seems with the more technology there is in the world the more it creates opportunities to be productive at all times and down time just isn’t in the program.

Mother’s Day, mother-less, new friends and fur babies

Monday, May 13th, 2013

I had a lovely Mother’s day yesterday. I spent it with Ryan’s family and it couldn’t have been more enjoyable, except for maybe the 3 loads of piping hot dog poo I had to pick up at the park that my fur babies gave me. How sweet of them, huh? It was so hot yesterday at the park I thought I was going to pass out. It is only May and it hit over 100 degrees and it was even hotter today! Today I stayed indoors and worked on my websites. I am not venturing outdoors until it gets dark. I’m a little vampire when it is hot out, I much prefer the cold winter. Boob sweat is NOOOO fun.

What is fun is shooting for Our shoot on Saturday was great. We worked with Ashley Graham. After our sexy threesome romp we hung out and I made us dinner and she had a few glasses of wine with me and she decided to spend the night. So I not only had a great scene for our business and for our fans but I also made a new friend – thanks Ashley!

Tomorrow is May 14th, my Mother’s birthday. If she were still alive she would be 82. I miss her. It sucks that Mother’s day always falls on or close to her birthday, kind of a double whammy of sadness. Even though she passed in 2001 I think of her every day. She had such a great sense of humor and was my biggest fan. She taught me so much and most importantly she taught me to be kind and thoughtful and open. She constantly read and was full of knowledge and shared everything with me that she learned. She introduced me to art, music, politics, science and cooking. She was a great cook.

Speaking of cooking, it is getting late. I started today on the computer around 9:30 AM and here it is 8:30PM. Time flies in here in my office. My neck hurts and my tummy is growling and my fur babies are hungry and so must be my husband. I’ll check in later this week with some uplifting info, kisses to you all!

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Sunday, May 5th, 2013

Just marinated some carne asada (gluten free, of course) and Ryan fired up the grill, gotta Bloody Maria (bloody mary made with Tequila) in my hand and I’m off to go dance around a sombrero! Love ya and have a great day…

May the 4th be with you…

Saturday, May 4th, 2013

OK, I’m a dork. But happy 4th!

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