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Archive for September, 2012

Kelly News here…

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

Lots to catch up on here at Kelly Madison Media. First off, sad news to report, Bip and Bap have gone to roach heaven. Sad but true. Next is something a bit happier, doggies are all doing well. Tommy as you can see has adapted very well to his new home and enjoys reading and getting new hairstyles.

I have been knee deep in AT&T business again. We are installing Ethernet cable at our work house. Mind you the house was built in the 80’s in the middle of a lemon orchard so getting any type of modern equipment to it is a pain in the ass. Just to get Ethernet to the house there were 5 of these huge trucks and one with a giant drill on the back of it just tearing up the streets of our town in order to lay the cable. It’s what we gotta do to get video uploaded to our servers quickly to satisfy your porn appetite.

Next I must report that I have been ill. I got a really bad head cold last Sunday and it really kicked my ass. I was down for the count for almost 3 days. The worst part, I was supposed to shoot with Lisa Ann on Wednesday. Shit! My crew did a great job and represented me well and Ryan was a trooper as always but that wasn’t the point. I was supposed to shoot with her. Next time, dammit!

See what I missed…

Lastly from Madison Media land, I report that Halloween is in the air. I just shot my 3rd Halloween inspired video last night. I did 2 the previous weekend. October will be very spooky so beware!

Slutty little whore…

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

Then again, look at those giant tits, I misspoke about the description of “little”. Geez, looks they are going to jump up and eat my face. I played a street hooker on Friday night. Literally I was downtown at 1:00 in the morning walking up to a junky car and getting inside just like the hooka I am! The shoot went well but it was a late night. The next morning I felt like a haggard whore. I went to bed around 3:00 AM. The next day I had to return my junky car. I rented it from a place called “Rent a Wreck” and I loved driving it around. It had dents and a missing hubcap but man it drove great and the A/C working awesome! The seats were fabric so when it was 109 degrees I could actually sit down to drive instead of having the black leather burn my hide. I was really sad when I returned my mature but beautiful Ford Taurus. I cried a little tear as I drove off.

Bip and Bap

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

We have 2 new pets at the office. Ryan had the brilliant idea of getting roaches to run around a shitty old motel room as part of the scene to make it seem even dirtier so our production assistant / hair stylist went to the pet store and bought 2 Madagascar roaches. Mind you, the store keeper only had 2 left so Carissa paid for the roaches but refused to take them home for the night. Instead she paid for them, left them there overnight and picked them up in the morning to bring to the office. She said she was down with whatever but she refused to babysit roaches at her house. Wendy our office manager named them after a Korean dish that she doesn’t like called BibimBap.

She normally loves Korean food but this particular dish “grosses her out” because of the raw egg, hence the name for the disgusting looking bugs. We used them at the motel on Saturday and now they are safely back in their cage. I want to keep them for our Halloween shoot later this month. They are sort of growing on us all, they kinda fit in with our gang!

BTS photos and shit

Monday, September 10th, 2012

BTS for the month of August goes up today on my site. There are lots of photos from my trip to June Lake that I told you about. I have to say looking back it was the highlight of my month if not the entire year so far. I love, love, love going to the mountains. I love packing up our shit and loading up the dogs and going on a road trip. I love the fresh air and the scenery and getting away from the Southern Californian heat. I love hiking, I love fishing, and on this trip, I especially liked hike fucking. In fact, this week’s episode is called just that. We decided to get it on it the woods and we turned on our little camera and shot a quick video. Nothing like a woodsy quicky with some hard wood and a wet pussy 🙂

Here are my handsome boys:

Me and the doggies taking a rest:

I’m posing on the cabin porch like a dork:

Chillin’ on a rock:

There’s more where that came from on If you are a nature freak like me, you’ll enjoy it.

Happy Labor Day from the Madisons

Monday, September 3rd, 2012

Take a break from all the hard work and chill out today. Thank you to all the Kelly Madison Media crew. You deserve the paid day off, that’s for sure! Anyways, I’m going to work your asses off this month so really, enjoy the day…

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