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Pain in the neck and prison time

The breasts have striked again. Yes, they are big, yes they are heavy, but why oh why do they have to put such strain on my neck? I am laying in bed this morning and I go to stretch my arms and “pop”, there goes my neck. It took like an hour to crawl out of bed to pop some Advils. Geez, I can’t get a break. First my foot and then my neck. I have to shoot on Saturday so this has to go away soon. I feel like all I do is blog to you about all my pains and ailments. Sorry, I don’t mean to be a downer. I just like to confide in you guys and let you know what’s up. I am sure I will feel better tomorrow but in the meantime it isn’t stopping me today.

I just wrote a bio for and wrote my comments on my cousin Janine’s prison sentence for tax evasion to be posted on her site, So lame what the IRS did. With all the real criminals in the world, including the executives at AIG and the various mortgage banking companies why pick on a pornstar? Here’s what I say about it…

“I truly in my heart and mind cannot believe that Janine has been imprisoned for in my opinion, such a minor offense. We all pay taxes and Janine has paid them in the past but things in life happen and mistakes are made and especially when no one was hurt or killed these mistakes can be corrected. What is being corrected by placing an icon of the adult world in prison? Janine is a wonderful and upstanding individual who wouldn’t hurt a fly. She has been singled out unfairly and I think about her every day. I lend my support by not only providing free content to add to her phenomenal new site that she herself has created but I am getting the word out to everyone I can to join the site and be part of the solution. Janine would much rather be at home with her kids, conversing with her loving fans and paying off whatever absurd amount the IRS has put on her. What good is she in prison?”

–Kelly Madison of, and loving cousin of Janine’s

Now go check out her site at

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