It’s D-day here at home. I leave for Cabo early Monday morning. I had to do laundry, clean the house, pack up all my animals and their stuff and put it in my sister’s car. She drove out on Friday night and stayed with me a few days. It was great having her here with me. I realized today that I have some high maintenance animals as I was writing out the instruction lists. Also, there was so much shit to pack. These animals need to travel lighter. It was like a family reunion today. My niece came by with her dogs and is following my sister out to Vegas. I hated to see them drive away. I wish I could live closer to my family. I miss them. Well, my sis just drove off with my dog and my guinea pig. I am taking my birds to the office while I’m gone.
I am going to go finish packing myself now. I have to bring lots of bikinis and shorts since it is about 95 degrees down there. I am also bring the video camera to capture all the sex. Of course I don’t go anywhere without you guys!
I won’t have time to write in on Monday so bye and I shall check back in with you when I return on Monday of the following week.
I promise not to drink too much tequila or pick up on any hot Hispanic girls, well, then again I can’t promise I won’t pick up on any girls 🙂