Too much travel for me. I just got back from Cabo, then drove to Vegas, came back and had a big party at my house and now I am leaving for LA and then home to shoot some fucking and sucking all weekend. I love my life. By the way, the girls trip to Vegas was outstanding. It was so good that I can’t post any of the photos because the girls that were with me will get in trouble. I wouldn’t get in trouble since Ryan already knows I’m a naughty girl.
The photos are great so sorry again for not posting them. While in Vegas I even ran into a few fans but I told them it was hush hush if you know what I mean.
This weekend we are shooting so I am in desperate need of a tan. I need my nails done too but a busy girl can only fit so much in. I would have more time if my damn dog didn’t keep running away. He’s not really running away, he’s just taking himself on a few walkabouts without my permission. Our gate is broken and he keeps getting out. I end up looking like a crazy woman running through the neighborhood without a bra yelling “Trey”. So I’m the crazy chick on the block, there’s always one.
This crazy chick is off to pick up her truck at the dealership now. I got my brakes fixed and an oil change. Wow, the glamourous life of a porn star. I happen to have a very helpful guy that works there that takes care of me. No he doesn’t give me any private lube jobs, just a nice guy who takes care of my truck.
See ya and I’ll check in after this weekend. I just washed up 3 really big vibrating dildos so my weekend should be very eventful!