Trey has put me through so many scares these past few months. He has come down with aspiration pneumonia multiple times. Each time was life threatening and we are just trying to figure out a way to feed him without him inhaling part of the food down into his lungs. I am making him meatballs out of his dog food and have cut out all treats and my house is like a frickin clean room you would find in a lab with not a single morsel on the floor at any time so as not to have his stupid big fat nose seek it out and suck it into his mouth, hence sucking it into his lungs. The water dish is raised and I finally taught the short shits Tommy and Kaylee how to get up to reach it since they were becoming dehydrated. It is like a dog hospital here.
I love my baby and he will be 12 this April. He just isn’t ready to go yet because each time we think he’s a goner, he comes back to life better than ever. Plus, look at that face, too precious for words…