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Around the World and Back!

I am so sorry for not checking in with the loves of my life. I have been a traveling fool. I left in April for Cabo San Lucas for over a week and shot a bunch of new videos, came home and gave them to our production department and then packed up and headed first for Munich, then to Rome, then off to Florence, back to Rome, boarded a cruise ship and sailed around Sicily and Greece for a week and then went to Athens to catch a flight to the island of Santorini where we stayed for a few days and then ended up in Athens to stay before flying home. So there! You can now see that I have been gone for a long time and I was a good girl and shot videos and photos everywhere we went. I would like to call the new series of videos Kelly Madison’s world travels 🙂

I have never been to Europe before so this was just an amazing experience. I am also a history nut so we went to every ruin, cathedral, museum and places of history that I could get to. We stayed at some great places and met the nicest people. We were so spoiled in that so many people spoke English. I feel badly about not checking in but now I have so much to tell you about. We went to the Vatican and we had a marvelous tour guide, she was really sexy too! There was a line for over 3 hours long and she took us right up to the front and got us in and we toured the Sistine Chapel and the museum there at the Vatican. It was so nice to see in person all the paintings that I had studied about in school. I also liked how the artists of that time such as Michelangelo and Botticelli painted people in the nude. Later the church had other painters cover the naked parts with clothing so I guess censorship has been around forever! The next day we went to the Colosseum and the Forum. I really loved Rome. I just couldn’t get over the size of the Forum and how incredible it must have looked in its prime. We shopped a bit in Rome and stayed in the most fabulous hotel where I think I had sex at least 10 times in 3 days. Let’s put it this way, Ryan liked Rome as well.

We took a train to Florence and I got to see the statue of David. Wow, now that’s a nice piece of ass. We weren’t allowed to take photographs but you know Ryan snuck a few. We got in trouble from the museum employees but hey, it’s not like they kicked us out of the country, just the museum! Florence was beautiful and we hated to leave after only 3 days but we needed to take the train back to Rome to catch our cruise ship the following day.

We stayed in that night back in Rome. The hotel had upgraded our junior suite to the largest suite they have, their Presidential suite and yes President Clinton stayed in that same room as well as other heads of state. The people at the hotel were all so kind to us. We were exhausted from our traveling so we ordered room service and made love in our room. They say Rome is for lovers!

OK, I hope I am not boring you with my travel diary. I have to go get ready for 2 video shoots today. We shot on Friday and Saturday as well so it has been back to back or should I say butt to butt working since we got back. Have a wonderful Sunday and I’ll think of you while I get pounded today!

Love Ya!

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