Yes, it is here, after years of promising my members a new site with 4K video and all the bells and whistles and easy navigation I gave it to them, not only that, we here at Kelly Madison Media combined all 3 of our sites into 1 GIANT MEGA SITE!
So for joining my site, you get and content for free and vice versa. I am so proud of my husband and our team for getting this completed. We are still working out the kinks since we have never before had just one big site but in a few weeks we should have all issues addressed.
This couldn’t have come at a better time, I just turned 50, our company is growing by leaps and bounds and we have now so much more to offer our members than ever before for just one low price. Never before have we had all 1,193 of my episodes combined with 19 of my episodes and 437 of my episodes. Geez I’ve shot a lot of porn…
So Kelly Madison fans this one’s for you. Plus you get to see our talented directors’ works with their beautiful artistry and updates that I am beyond proud to produce and put our label on and of course, more Ryan Madison hard core action scenes and all his amazing episodes through the years on pornfidelity and teenfidelity. So again, all 3 sites’ content for one join which means 3 updates a week, one from each site, free bonus content and we have even more in store for you in the future!